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也许到那时,麻醉师就会对此感兴趣了。Perhaps then his anesthesiologist will become interested.

麻醉师不能理解杰里奥·托诺博士干嘛那么兴奋。The anesthesiologist did not share Dr. Tononi's excitement.

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麻醉师是专门训练来给病人实施麻醉的医生。An anesthesiologist is a doctor specially trained to give anesthesia.

熟练的呼吸道管理是一个麻醉医师基本技能。Expert airway management is an essential skill for an anesthesiologist.

这个决定最好由外科医生和麻醉医师来做。This is a decision that is best made by the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.

在整个手术过程中你一直会保持清醒,麻醉师休假去了。You'll be awake during the entire procedure. The anesthesiologist is on vacation.

麻醉师必须持续不断地评估麻醉深度。It is essential that the anesthesiologist continuously assess the depth of anesthesia.

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分娩前通知儿科医师和麻醉科医师为分娩做好准备。The pediatrician and anesthesiologist should be notified so that they can prepare for delivery.

一个麻醉医师调节了适量的化学药剂滴在科瑞娜的第四区。An anesthesiologist makes the required adjustment to the chemical mix trickling through Corina's IV.

这种情况下,麻醉医生会漏问使用违禁药物的问题。The anesthesiologist should not fail to question patients firmly regarding the use of illicit drugs.

我的呼吸变得很不均匀以至于麻醉师给我注入氧气接着,感谢上帝,我轻轻的睡去了。My breathing grew so shaky that the anesthesiologist gave me oxygen and then, thankfully, put me back to sleep.

这为麻醉医师于术毕准确、客观地估计病人围术期异氟醚的耗用量提供了一个可靠的参考指标。Conclusion The present data provided a reference index for an anesthesiologist estimating the isoflurane consumption during LFCCA.

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在手术过程中,麻醉师会观察病人的心率,血压和血液含氧量。During an operation, the anesthesiologist will observe the patient's heart rate, blood pressure and amount of oxygen in the blood.

大多数的麻醉药抑制呼吸,麻醉医师必须准备为患者提供呼吸支持。Most anesthetic drugs depress the breathing stimulus, and the anesthesiologist must be prepared to support the patient's breathing.

自主神经病变的诊断对糖尿病病人围术期麻醉管理很重要。The diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy has clinical importance for the anesthesiologist managing the patient in the perioperative period.

经验显示,术前一刻麻醉医生的访视本身就是一副强有力的镇静药。It has been shown that a preoperative visit with the anesthesiologist immediately before surgery may serve as a powerful anxiolytic itself.

在密苏里州官方发现没有麻醉科医生愿意参与该过程,因此法官改变了最初的命令。Judge Fernando J. Gaitan Jr. changed the initial order after Missouri state officials could not find an anesthesiologist willing to participate.

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除此之外,麻醉医师应预见到围手术期气管插管和节奏异常的困难。In addition to that, the anesthesiologist should anticipate the difficulty in intubation and rhythm abnormalities during the peri-operative period.

另外,外科医生和护士的等待以及器械的准备对麻醉医生实施麻醉造成的压力也很大。Additionally, with the surgeon and nurses waiting and instrumentation prepared, the pressure on the anesthesiologist to proceed with anesthesia may be intense.

因此,一定要与家庭和外科医生仔细讨论麻醉的危险和益处之后再判断是非进行所选择的麻醉方法。The anesthesiologist must judge whether to proceed with an elective anesthetic after the risks and benefits are carefully discussed with the family and surgeon.