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你在地图上永远找不到罗伊斯顿山谷小村。You'll never find the village of Royston Valley on maps.

丽芙・泰勒和罗伊斯顿・兰登已经证实了正式分手。Liv Tyler and Royston Langdon have confirmed their separation.

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佛罗伦萨象皇马的左后卫提出了报价。Fiorentina have made a bid for Real Madrid left-back Royston Drenthe.

这支球队的主心骨是德伦特、弗拉尔、里格特斯和东克。The main actors are Royston Drenthe, Ron Vlaar, Maceo Rigters and Ryan Donk.

这些村民中有人发现一条通往罗伊斯顿山谷的公路正在建造之中。One of these people discovered that a road to Royston Valley was being built.

当地人传统上不会把它缩写为“罗。村”或简写为“罗伊斯顿”。Traditionally, locals do not abbreviate it to "R. V. " or abridge it to "Royston".

罗伊斯顿山谷是块怪异之地,那儿的居民性格怪异,自认为是土著。Royston Valley is an aberration and its inhabitants, who consider themselves aboriginals, are aberrant.

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尤文图斯是最新一个同皇家马德里弃将,边路球员罗伊斯顿。德伦特联系在一起的意大利俱乐部。Juventus are the latest Italian team to be linked to Real Madrid's out-of-favour winger Royston Drenthe.

利物浦最近和租借至表姐埃弗顿的皇马边锋德伦特联系起来,这多少会让大家有一点惊讶。Liverpool have been linked with a somewhat surprising move for Real Madrid winger Royston Drenthe, who is currently on loan with Everton.

尤文图斯新任主教练吉吉。德尔。内里似乎相信,皇家马德里球员罗伊斯顿。德伦特可以解决球队下个赛季的左后卫问题。Juventus' new Coach Gigi Del Neri apparently believes Real Madrid's Royston Drenthe can solve his team's problems at left-back next season.

皇马教头舒斯特尔也在追逐费耶诺德的天才德伦特,并希望能与蓝军达成协议将罗本带到伯纳乌。Real coach Schuster, who is also chasing Feyenoord starlet Royston Drenthe, remains hopeful a deal can be concluded to bring Robben to the Bernabeu.

西班牙媒体报道表示皇马已经签下一名荷兰国脚,费耶诺德的新星罗伊斯顿-德伦特。Reports in Spain have claimed that Real have already agreed a deal to sign the Holland international, along with Feyenoord youngster Royston Drenthe.

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他们甚至提出,皇马在鼓动罗本罢训,就像他的同乡斯内德以及德伦特那样,推动转会的进行。They even suggest that Real are encouraging Robben to skip training like his fellow countrymen Wesley Sneijder and Royston Drenthe to push through a move.

皇马在左后卫位置上有大问题,利物浦的后卫阿贝罗啊受伤,德伦特和马塞洛替补出场表现不佳。Real have major problems at left-back after former Liverpool defender Alvaro Arbeloa got injured and Royston Drenthe and Marcelo failed to shine as stand-ins.

在罗马拍板搞定巴普蒂斯塔之后,皇马的另外一名球员德伦特也有可能随巴普蒂斯塔空降罗马来弥补罗马的边锋问题。During these hours Roma are speaking with Spanish board not only for Julio Baptista, but also for Royston Drenthe, that could be the new winger that lack to Spaletti team.

除了正在进行的卡萨诺的谈判的外,我们还开始与皇马讨论关于德伦特和小兔子萨维奥拉的引进事宜。Tuttosport says Samp are in advanced talks with Real over a fee for Cassano and during discussions have also been offered the chance to sign Royston Drenthe and Javier Saviola.