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“纯粹”似乎是一个颇为可疑的词汇。"Pureness" seems like a rather dubious word.

其魅力缘于他的赤子般“纯念”和孺子般“真诚”。His enchantment comes from his childlike pureness and sincerity.

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在词义的层面,“纯粹”似乎在要求一种极致。In the semantic level, the "pureness" seems to call for an extreme.

种子纯度是杂交水稻种子质量管理工作中最为关键的问题。Seed pureness is a most key issue on quality management of hybrid rice seed.

在这个意义上,白色代表着专一、美德和纯洁的新婚之爱。In this sense, white represents unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new love.

是未经时的纯粹,也是遥远神性的招引。This is the pureness of innocence and the attraction by some distant divinity.

作为概念,“纯粹”是非常清晰、不揉沙子的。As a concept, "pureness" is very clear, does not contain any suspicious elements.

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雪可以清除一切糟糕、阴暗的事物,创造洁白无暇的世界。Snow can clean bad and evil things and usher in a world of pureness and innocence.

喜爱清心的人,因他嘴上的恩言,王必与他为友。He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

来自春天的诱惑,轻诉清纯亦可伴性感共舞!Enticement, coming from spring, gently confides pureness and together dances with sex appeal.

与白花和网装饰的绿色基地创造清和生气勃勃感觉。The green base with white flowers and web decoration creates a sense of pureness and freshness.

为提高黄金产品的纯度,在本流程结束前,可对中间产品作进一步的净化处理。In order to raise the pureness of gold product, the intermediate product may be further purified.

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可是一旦要将“纯粹”对应现实的实有,“纯粹”之物似乎从未显现过。However, "pureness" apparently never appears when you want to find it corresponding to its reality.

或者我们将“纯粹”做相对而言的解法,那么“纯粹”就难以确立任何可限定的标准了。Or if we define "pureness" in a relatively way, it would be difficult to establish any criteria for the limit.

结果表明,大样电解法可以用于检验钢的纯净度并为实际生产提供参考依据。The result shows that the sample- electrolysing method can be used to detect steel pureness and serve for practice.

通过具体文本的比较分析,找出日本极致美的特殊性,即纯粹性与器物性。This article finds the particularity of Japanese extreme beauty, pureness and object character, by comparing many tex.

并经专家精选,在严格控制的环境下繁殖、喂养,色彩出众、身型矫健,标榜“超级红龙”的优良品质。Selected through a series of rigorous quality assurance test. ensuring pureness pedigree in its body, shape and colour.

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如果在现实的实有之中没有真正的“纯粹”存在,那么严格来说“纯粹”是否属于词不达意呢?If there is no real "pureness" exists at all, then strictly speaking, is "pureness" a word conveying inappropriate meaning?

“主体性文学理论”在中国当代文学理论中有其独特的、更能显示文学理论自身价值的纯粹性。Main body literature theory" can show the unique pureness of literature theoretical self-value in Chinese present literature."

我们当然不能将“纯粹”当作是一种励志的东西谈完了事,因为“纯粹”为我们提供了一种非常极端的思考维度。Of course, we can not only regard "pureness" as a motivational thing for it provides us with a kind of very extreme thinking dimension.