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为美城工作是我在阳朔的一笔巨大财富收获。MCI School is a big part of our great fortune to be in Yangshuo.

大概一半MCI患者会发展成阿尔采末氏病。About half of the people with MCI progress to Alzheimer's disease.

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乔纳森·萨莱,MCI通信公司首席政策顾问。Jonathan B. Sallet, Chief Policy Counsel, MCI Communications Corporation.

电话业者与有线电视业者,诸如南方贝尔公司,MCI公司与柯克斯企业。Phone and cabletelevision operators, such as Bell South, MCI and Cox Enterprises.

首先的是,我在阳朔的生活,为美城英语学校工作的日子是我一生中最美好的时光。First and foremost, I had the time of my life living in Yangshuo and working for MCI School.

我在美城学校教了两个多月的书,那是我一生都难以忘怀的经历。I have taught at MCI School for over two months. It has truly been an experience of a lifetime.

有啊!练臂力的石锁、练腿功的梅花桩、练手掌的沙袋、练眼睛的风筝、练腰的墙壁。Mci Hua stakes to train leg skills, sandbags to train palms, kite to train eyes and walls to train the back.

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大港石化公司加氢装置应用MCI技术对催化裂化柴油进行加氢改质。MCI technology for upgrading FCC LCO was applied in the hydroprocessing unit of Dagang Petrochemical Company.

我选择了留下来,因为原来我在云南也从事过教学,所以很快就在美城找了一份很好的工作。Having taught English for some time in Yunnan province, I decided to stay here and found a great job at MCI school.

不过,这项检测想要正式投入使用,还必须在其他轻度认知功能障碍的患者群体中使用,以完成相关研究成果的验证。Before doctors can start using the test, however, the findings will have to be confirmed in other populations of MCI patients.

我在美城学校教了两个多月的书,那是我一生都难以忘怀的经历。This has been an experience that I will never forget. I would recommend MCI School to anyone with the desire to teach English as a second language.

结论MCI患者的昼夜静息-活动和睡眠-觉醒节律较健康老年人衰弱,并且破碎性增加。Conclusion The present study showed that there were significant weakened and fragmented circadian rest-activity, sleep-wake rhythm in patients with MCI.

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美城的学生格外的友好,有了他们的欢声笑语,我的生活从来没有感到无聊过。In MCI school the students become more friends than anything else and I never get bored of my work or life here because they make it so enjoyable and diverse.

他们说,这个结果是如此之强,以致这种方法可能将会就是否应该给轻度认知障碍患者指定维生素B药片引发一场讨论——半数的轻度认知障碍患者最终发展成了阿兹海默症。They said the results were so strong that it should open up a debate as to whether the tablets should be prescribed to everyone with MCI – half of whom develop Alzheimer's disease.

结果表明,保墒灌溉措施能够有效促进作物生长,夏玉米株高与茎粗之间的关系可以近似用指数方程式来表示,其相关系数高于0.7。The result showed that he measurement of MCI can Promote crop growth and the relationship between the height and diameter is index formula, the correlation coefficient is higher than 0.7.

本文结合美国安然、世通公司的破产案例,就会计诚信缺失现象的“作弊”动机、外部环境、制度制约进行分析。This paper, by analyzing the bankruptcy cases of two American corporations, Enron and MCI Worldcom, discusses the fraud motives, the exterior environment and the system restriction of this phenomenon.