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请问合生元给宝宝吃好不好?。Excuse me accrete yuan had eaten to darling?

“和谐社会”是社会资源兼容共生的社会。Harmonious society " is the society with social compatible and accrete natural resources."

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由于硅橡胶表面的憎水性能,水珠只能以分离的形式存在于表面。Water drops can only accrete on the surface of silicone rubber at discrete form because of its hydrophobicity.

随着时间的迁移,系统实现与复杂度将共存,因为修改问题和添加新功能将会增加代码量。Over time, an implementation will accrete complexity as code is revisited for bug fixes and feature enhancements.

这是一个信息传播与趣味传播共生、并存和交织的时代。It is time for information communication and taste communication to accrete , coexist and interact with each other.

同时,各因素之间相互影响、相互促进、和谐共生、共同发展。At the same time, these factors interplay with each other, help each other forward, accrete harmoniously and develop side by side.

当气体盘状物变得愈来愈稀薄时,它所产生的引力就会变得愈来愈小,而在此期间,原行星却吸收了更多的物质材料,成长为完整大小的行星。Also, the gas disk gets thinner and has less gravitational pull as protoplanets accrete more material and grow into full-sized planets.

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在不断的挫折中,你赖以为生的是设想解决方案,并评估方案成功可能性的能力。The skill you accrete during this trauma is the ability to imagine plausible solutions, and to estimate the likelihood that an approach will work.

然而,当一个黑洞穿过一片星云,或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another" normal" star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.

假如这个中子恒星靠近星系的中心,又被大量的暗物质所包围,这个在中子恒星中央的稠密恒星将继续吸收暗物质而逐渐增大。If the neutron star were near the centre of the galaxy, for example, and surrounded by an abundance of dark matter, then it would continue to accrete dark matter.

少数民族文化是一种宝贵的资源,它与环境的共生让寻求少数民族新的经济增长点成为可能。Minority culture is a kind of valuable resource, the accrete of it and environment lets seek the economic point of growth with new minority to become a possibility.

在红岭钨矿中发现与辉铋矿共生的楚碲铋矿,为国内首次在石英脉型钨矿中发现该矿物。Several grains of tsumoite was found in Hongling deposit accrete with bismuthinite and bismuth, which is the first founding of this mineral in vein type tungsten deposit.

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当任何物体堕进或被吸入黑洞时,都会被黑洞吸积入内,形成黑洞外的吸积盘绕着黑洞运行。A black hole can accrete matter into itself as the matter falls or is pulled towards it. The accreting material then orbits around the black hole, forming an accretion disk.

未冻水含量在低浓度时没有明显的规律性,而在中高浓度则随著溶液浓度的增大而增大。Experimental results show that at low concentrations hydration behaviors have no disciplinarians . However, at high concentrations, they accrete as the concentrations augment.

在创造人与自然和谐共生的山地城市人居环境建设中,山水园林城市规划常常忽略了置身城市生活的个体感受。In the creation of the mountain city environment in which humanity and nature accrete harmoniously, landscape garden city planning is often overlooked the individual feelings on urban living.