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别对品牌死忠。Be brand disloyal.

她对我不忠。She's disloyal to me.

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他对党无限忠诚。He is disloyal to the party.

她对丈夫有二心。She is disloyal to her husband.

她对男朋友不忠。She's disloyal to her boyfriend.

我什么也没做,简直就是一个背叛朋友的混蛋。Disloyal jerk that I was, I did nothing.

王国贬黜了那位不忠的朝臣。The king disgraced the disloyal courtier.

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如果你说不,那么你就成了对公司不忠诚的人了。If you say no, you're disloyal to the company.

他如此不忠,应受谴责。It was reprehensible of him to be so disloyal.

奥瑟罗给我一个充分的理由,证明她已经失节。Othello. Give me a living reason she's disloyal.

这话只跟你说,不要外传,我看他很不忠诚。Between you and me , I think he's rather disloyal.

那是一种羞辱,是一种不忠,也是一种欺骗。It is an insult, it is disloyal and it is cheating.

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当时戴高乐被看作是一个不忠实的军人。De Gaulle was, at that time, considered a disloyal soldier.

新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.

我得说我是那种非常不忠实的顾客之一。I should warn you that I am one of those very disloyal purchasers.

由此派生出对于马识明主、辨忠奸能力的放大。All these deified a horse's ability in distinguishing the loyal and the disloyal.

降将对自己的行为进行了辩解,但是他们的背叛失节行为受到了人们的批判与唾弃。But their betrayal disloyal behavior is criticized and disdained by people from both sides.

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何家美怀疑老公对自己不忠心,雇佣私家侦探去监视。He Jiamei suspects husband disloyal to oneself heart, employ priviate dective goes monitoring.

他可以对妻子不忠,在外面寻花问柳也无关紧要。He can is opposite the wife is disloyal , go round singsong houses to also not matter outside.

如果工人名声不好或者所说的与事实不符,法庭通常会认为工人的陈述是不实的。Courts often view workers’ statements as disloyal when they are defamatory and are not supported by facts.