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亚历克斯因叛党而被判处死刑。Alex was sentenced to death for apostasy.

那么,我们如何与教义上的背道作战呢?How, then, do we fight against doctrinal apostasy?

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叛教来自上帝和他的法律不能成为关键的智慧。For apostasy from God and His law cannot be the key to wisdom.

对许多美国的投资者来说,伊梅尔特的坦白是一种背信。For many of America's investors, Immelt's confession is an apostasy.

从此以后,在这个议题上多花点心思,倒成了叛教的行为。To spend any more time on these matters became, thereafter, apostasy.

以色列因背道所得的审判使他们感到悲哀。The Israelites were grieved by this judgment upon them for their apostasy.

他的陈述透露了他的叛教,因此被逐出教会。His statements revealed his apostasy and he was excommunicated from the church.

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最残酷的是,伊斯兰教法规定,对任何“变节者”或背弃信仰的人,都判处死刑。At its sternest, Islamic law prescribes the death penalty for anybody who commits " apostasy "—or abandons the faith.

在第2章中,如果我们有了教义上的背道,我们必须知道真理并且用温柔和能力传讲它。In chapter 2, if and when we have doctrinal apostasy , we must know the truth and proclaim it in meekness and in power.

它通常也被认为他产生了在背教的年龄期间即是皇帝的愤怒的暴风雨的弯暴风雨。It is also generally thought that he created the Warp storm known as the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath during the Age of Apostasy.

在另一方面,于1800年代诞生于英国的时代论正在为教会在末日的背道和没落哀恸。On the other hand, dispensationalism was born in England in the early 1800s bemoaning the latter-day apostasy and ruin of the church.

但许多左翼的朋友却永远不原谅他的“变节”,这无疑更坚定了他要与外界保持距离的决心。But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy , doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world at a safe distance.

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祷告伊朗籍的穆斯林持续大量地改信基督教,且当他们改教时是安全的,不因判教而受审。Also, pray Iranian Muslims continue to convert to Christianity in great numbers and that they are safe from being tried for apostasy when they convert.

这位新教皇主要关注被称为“寂静的欧洲变节事件”,在欧洲参加教堂活动和遵守宗教教义的人数急剧下降。One of the new pope's primary areas of concern is likely to be what is called Europe's silent apostasy , the sharp decline in Catholic Church attendance and religious observance.

但当指控者将变节者和异端混为一谈,断言那些自称是伊斯兰教的人提出错误的诠释是有罪的时,自由同样在不知不觉中被滥用。But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.