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脾气也会暴躁。Tempers could fray.

参加了讨论,输入弗赖。To join the discussion, enter the Fray.

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唯一的例外似乎就是卢萨卡的争斗。The exception appeared to be the fray in Lusaka.

中国经济的伤口会崩裂。The stitching on the Chinese economy could fray and burst.

可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray.

温度探头线不易被磨损且允许一定的水分进入。The cord will not fray or allow moisture to penetrate inside.

吉布森也替补格伦。蕙兰出场。Gibson entered the fray moments earlier as a sub for Glenn Whelan.

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对于你的师团来说,有一名牧师与你的部队一同冲杀敌阵,着实是一种恩惠。A priest accompanying your regiment into the fray is indeed a boon.

通用汽车用不同档次多种品牌“抱团”打天下的策略也开始受挫。GM's strategy of offering a multiplicity of brands started to fray.

但考虑到出口和油价的双双回落,这一比例可能发生变化。But that cohesion could begin to fray as exports and prices both fall.

不过要注意,缠线时不要缠的太紧,末端也请注意不要磨破。Just be careful not to wind them too tight and fray the joints at the ends.

奉命保护泰拉纳斯尊主的詹戈冲入战场对抗绝地。Tasked with protecting Lord Tyranus, Jango entered the fray against the Jedi.

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由美国航空和航天总署领导的研究小组,有备而来抵达华盛顿,准备投入这场论战。Members of the NASA-led team arrived in Washington fully prepared to enter the fray.

他当然知道,就是为了制造新闻,惟恐天下不乱。I'm sure he understood, but he had to make affairs, being eager for the fray. Nonsense!

当他本人与英国民众之间的关系开始出现罅隙时,问题就出现了。Things went awry when the personal bond between Blair and the British public began to fray.

没有祈祷得面对,就像闯入到没有准备的争论中。Confrontation without prayer is like barging into the middle of the fray with no preparation.

我们是在廉价商店买的衣服并且我们买的是被磨损的,退色的,第一次洗水就变形的。We buy clothes at the budget stores and we have them fray and fade and stretch in the first wash.

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但她说,一下子把现金全部投回到市场中也会让你绷紧神经,因此要慢慢来。But if jumping back into the market all at once might fray your nerves, do it gradually, she says.

胜美接到讨债人的电话,讨债人听到家里有人接电话,便要上门找事。Wins, got a call from the dunner dunner heard someone answer the phone home, I would come to fray.

洛克希德·马丁公司和波音公司没有响应招标,留下Ilyushin和EADS激烈竞争。Lockheed Martin and Boeing did not respond to the tender, leaving only Ilyushin and EADS in the fray.