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她在钢琴伴奏下演唱。He sang to a piano accompaniment.

时代乐乐队伴奏。Music accompaniment by The Stylers.

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饥饿是贫困的伴随物。Hunger is the accompaniment of poverty.

荒年之后常有瘟疫。Disease is often an accompaniment of famine.

我们在管风琴伴奏下鱼贯而出。We filed out to the accompaniment of the organ.

那位钢琴家为那首歌即席伴奏。The pianist improvised an accompaniment to the song.

还有就是那美丽的钢琴伴奏。I also must mention the beautiful piano accompaniment.

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还有就是那美丽的钢琴伴奏。I also must mention the beautiful piano accompaniment.

他们伴随着锣鼓声跳舞。They danced to the accompaniment of cymbals and drums.

是,我们唱歌请她用钢琴伴奏效果更好。Yes, piano accompaniment will add a lot to our singing.

诗歌吟唱时是用七弦琴伴奏的。The poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.

白葡萄酒是这顿饭的最隹佐餐酒。White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal.

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姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums.

适合配以生蚝和海鲜饮用。It is an ideal accompaniment with fresh oysters and seafood.

非常适合与红肉,意大利面和奶酪搭配。The perfect accompaniment to red-meat, fresh pastas and cheeses.

一个60人的管弦乐队取代了摇滚伴奏。A 60-piece orchestra replaces the boy’s usual rock ’n’roll accompaniment.

为钢琴而改编的“胜利之春”第1首和2首的伴奏。Accompaniment of Nos. 1 and 2 of "Victorious Spring", arranged for piano.

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钢琴即兴伴奏即为歌曲编配伴奏。Piano improvisational accompaniment refers to the accompaniment of songs.

现在我们在钢琴伴奏下齐唱国歌。Now let's sing the national anthem in unison with the piano accompaniment.

这款有机葡萄酒非常适合搭配乳酪,烧烤和禽类的肉食。Dulong Bio is the perfect accompaniment for cheeses, roasted and game meats.