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冲动与鲁莽便是其中之一。Impetuousness and recklessness is one of them.

狂飙可以学会控制他那不记后果的鲁莽吗?Will CYCLONUS ever learn to control his savage recklessness?

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只有当你不顾一切时,才更清楚认出他的声音。You will only realize His voice more clearly by recklessness.

爱尔兰不但毁于它自己的鲁莽而且毁于全球海啸。Iceland was ruined not by its own recklessness but by a global tsunami.

使得美国的鲁莽真正成为危险是因为我们把它出口了。What made America's recklessness truly dangerous is that we exported it.

勇猛和谨慎一定要紧紧结合在一起,才能做到所谓的胆大心细。Braveryand prudence should also be joined so that we have courage without recklessness.

我们生活黑客们必须从这里学到的经验是莽撞在生活中没有一席之地。The lesson we life hackers must learn from this is that recklessness has no place in life.

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欣峰和一个想学英语的说英语的时候很随意并且信心十足。Xin Feng spoke English with the recklessness and confidence of someone who wanted to learn.

烧焦的房体“飘扬”在北京的中央商务区上空,像一座纪念碑,时刻提醒人们不顾后果的“后果”。ITS charred hulk looms over Beijing’s central business district, a monument to recklessness.

大家都相信他的勇气,虽然他的鲁莽偶尔使其他汽车人陷入危险的境地。While no one doubted his courage, his recklessness occasionally put other Autobots in danger.

我们将填补漏洞以阻止这些已显现的鲁莽和不负责任的行为。We would also close loopholes to stop the kind of recklessness and irresponsibility we’ve seen.

贪婪,不当心和自私左右着当今的资本主义。Greed, recklessness and self-interest rides in the saddle of today's capitalism. -Jone I. Bogle.

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加入绝地武士团后,阿纳金的杰出能力和高超技艺广为人知,他心急气躁、冲动鲁莽的毛病也远近闻名。Once part of the Jedi order, Anakin's power and skill became legendary, as did his impatience and recklessness.

将来,即便我们摆脱了年轻时的无畏和莽撞,信任昔日的记忆也定会深扎在我们的心坎深处。There can come a day when the fearlessness and recklessness of youth fade away, but the memory can live forever.

然而另一种思想也是不对的,即所谓有进无退的拚命主义。However, the other view, which we call the desperate recklessness of "only advance, never retreat", is also wrong.

对于我的鲁莽和冒昧给你带来的不便和麻烦,表示最诚挚的歉意!I want to make the most sincere apology for the troubles and inconvenience caused by my recklessness and rashness!

反击风暴,鲁莽跟盾墙,在发动后,假如切换状态不会取消效果。Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall will no longer be cancelled if you switch stances while the effect is active.

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从监狱释放出来后,一时不慎,菲利普聘请德里斯为与他同住的护工,住在巴黎的公寓里。On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion.

把乔布斯最近的鲁莽与微软公司从比尔·盖茨到史蒂夫·鲍尔默的微妙移交相比较。Compare Jobs's recent recklessness to the way Microsoft managed the delicate hand-over of the company from to Steve Ballmer.

这绝非是唯一的劣迹,壳牌公司在尼日利亚糟糕的环境记录或许在世界上都无人能出其右。While it is by no means the only culprit, Shell's record of environmental recklessness in Nigeria may be the worst in the world.