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我不会损毁她美丽的面容。I will not disfigure her pretty face.

他们用斧头砍,把犀牛的脸都砍坏了。They use an axe and disfigure the rhino's face.

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魏胜雄毁掉小薇的容,打断她的腿。Wei Shengxiong is to disfigure Xiaowei and break her leg.

麻风病能严重损伤病人的外貌并造成死亡。The disease can severely disfigure victims and cause death.

乱切,乱打用击打、压、切或撕的方式使残…To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.

然而,开放式的垃圾场在高温下会助长害虫的生长和臭味的溢散,且破坏景观。However, open tips also encourage vermin, smell in hot weather and disfigure the landscape.

如果只有茹阿瓦纳想惩罚使者作为一个入侵者,他可以选择变丑了。If only Ravana wanted to punish the emissary as an intruder, he may choose to disfigure him.

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黄色或棕色斑,白斑,不对称口香糖轮廓和不平衡力可以变丑,你的笑容。Yellow or brown stains, white spots, asymmetrical gum contours and uneven edges can disfigure your smile.

一些当地的市民认为这些挖泥机对地貌有严重的伤害,因为它们损毁了河流和河岸。Some local citizens think that dredges do awful harm to the landscapes as they disfigure rivers and banks.

复辟王朝的所有偏见、利益、本性,都使人歪曲拿破仑的形象。Now, all the prejudices of the Restoration, all its interests, all its instincts tended to disfigure Napoleon.

这些动词的共同含义是。因猛击、滥用、乱用而磨损、破坏或变形。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to damage, injure, or disfigure by beating, abuse, or hard use.

这里是被孤儿院、军事关卡和“烈士”墓包围的受伤的天堂。It is a wounded paradise where orphanages, military checkpoints and "martyrs'" graveyards disfigure the landscape.

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作者对于穆斯林移民的长篇大论毁掉了原本会是一本具有趣味和引起争议的书。The author's harangues against Muslim immigration disfigure what is otherwise an interesting and provocative book.

中国和印度如何处理它们之间的关系会决定让20世纪伤痕累累的错误会不会重演。How China and India manage their own relationship will determine whether similar mistakes to those that scarred the 20th century disfigure this one.

中印之间如何处理彼此关系将决定二十世纪令世人蒙羞的累累伤痕是否会重演。How China and India manage their own relationship will determine whether similar mistakes to those that scarred the 20th century disfigure this one.

把嘴巴丑化--这就是我所理解的-,丑化自己的嘴巴使自己暂时不能说话,它是有十分重要影响的。To disfigure the mouth -- this is how I would interpret it -- to disfigure the mouth has a primary effect in rendering one at least temporarily speechless.

泡沫状的巨噬细胞与数目较少的T淋巴球联手,形成了所谓的「脂肪斑纹」,也就是复杂动脉斑的前身,造成后来的动脉变形。Together the foamy macrophages and a lesser number of T lymphocytes compose the so-called fatty streak, a precursor of the complex plaques that later disfigure arteries.

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因为他们苦丧著脸,是为叫人看出他们禁食来。我实在告诉你们,他们已获得了他们的赏报。And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, sad. For they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward.