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有你们,我是幸福的。With all of you, i am felicitous.

她选择的音乐很适当。Her choice of music is felicitous.

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这样做都是为了有一个幸福的生活。Do this in order to have a felicitous life.

富兰克林的其他编辑不太恰当的。Franklin's other edits were less felicitous.

如果有恰当的途径、恰当的时机,我当然愿意出国转一转。If we have felicitous way and chance, I would like to go abroad to learn certainly.

恰当的广告语修辞幻象能够巧妙地增强广告的推销力。A felicitous rhetoric mirage of advertisement language can enhance the salesmanship effect.

本文给出了一类大龙虾树为幸福树的构造性证明。It is constructively proved that the two classes of felicitous big lobster trees are felicitous tree.

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这本书写作流畅,它的善于措辞的风格使得一个普通读者也能接受。The book is fluidly written and its felicitous style makes parts of it accessible to even a general reader.

要想两者兼顾,并不在于多么巧妙的措辞,而是要聪明地提出问题。Doing that successfully is less a matter of felicitous phrasing but rather one of intelligently framing an issue.

试图借此对陈旭麓史学的成就及影响做一个恰当的定位与评价。The author hoped to give a felicitous statue and comment to achievement and influence of the Chen Xulu historiography.

“三珠”引人注目的文学成就是与作家高超的语言技巧、恰当的语言修辞分不开的。The remarkable literary achievement of "The Three Heaps" is close relation with the lofty of wrung skill and felicitous rhetoric.

它在太坚硬及太柔软的辩证法极端,以及在最适合于劳动者的幸福力量,找到它的位置。It finds its place between the dialectical extremes of too hard and too soft, at the point most suitable to the felicitous forces of the laborer.

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然而,只有高质量的非编译成份才能起到期望的效果。Felicitous non-compilation composition can improve the program quality factors such as readability, intelligibility, modifiability, maintainability, etc.

论文也进一步从语言和文化两方面归纳了有效英译李清照词的不同策略。It further summarizes the strategies that are effective and felicitous when translating Li Qingzhao's ci-poems from linguistic and cultural perspectives.

30年前,苏联入侵阿富汗最完美的结局就是中美两国建立军事关系。One felicitous result of the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan was the setting up of a military-to-military relationship between China and the United States 30 years ago.

对“万人坑”进行防腐、防渗、防塌陷等方面的科学保护,结合恰当的艺术表现,将有限而独特的资源进行整合。By scientific protection of "Datong's pit of tens of thousands of corpses" and felicitous art expression, the finite and special revolutionary educating tour resources are integrated.

波特假说认为,恰当的环境规制可以激发被管制企业创新,有利于提升企业的竞争力。Porter hypothesis considers that felicitous environmental regulations may bestir corporations to innovate, so environmental regulations will be good for the competitiveness of corporations.

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本文主要研究了无功补偿对电网性能的改善,电网最佳补偿点的位置和容量配置,及控制器的软、硬件的设计。The main part of this thesis includes the ameliorating of the net which comes from the reactive power compensate, the most felicitous compensating position, and the hardware and software design.