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不过,这些抗议活动在本质上仍然难以避免染上政治意味。And after all, these protests are far from apolitical in nature.

我更喜欢的是一个真正不问政事的军队。I would prefer a situation in which we had a genuinely apolitical military.

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不关心政治的总裁常常会不经意地激起强烈的政治行为。Apolitical CEOs frequently accidentally encourage intense political behavior.

于是,与以往几乎不关心政治的生涯不同,史蒂夫这次决定做点什么。And so, in a departure from a largely apolitical career, Steve decided to do something about it.

葛兰派是一个“非政治”运动组织,却与除了主要的世俗派反对党外,几乎所有的土耳其政党都建立了丝丝缕缕的联系。The movement is "apolitical" but has links with almost all Turkish political parties, save the main secular opposition.

该协会是一个非政治性的以改善中印两国关系为重点的组织。This association is an apolitical one which focuses at improving the relations between the countries of China and India.

一群成长于国家经济爆炸式增长时期并经常被描绘成不关心政治,痴迷于消费的形象的中国青年。China's youth who have grown up during the country's economic boom and are often characterized as apolitical and consumer-obsessed.

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但是,当这几百名活动家在周五走上开罗街头,数万名不关心政治的公民加入了进来。Yet, when these hundreds of activists walked down the streets of Cairo on Tuesday, tens of thousands of apolitical citizens joined in.

在苏联坦克镇压1953年东柏林工人起义以后的几十年间,与绝大多数东德人一样,科施女士对政治漠不关心。Like most East Germans in the decades after Soviet tanks suppressed the East Berlin workers' uprising in 1953, Mrs. Kosch was apolitical.

美国文化不但模仿了现代主义的视觉夸张,而且也效仿了现代主义的非政治化与反意识形态的倾向。Finally, American culture has imitated not only the modernists’ visual flamboyance, but also their tendency to be apolitical and anti-ideological.

尽管阿里艾瓦说她对政治不感兴趣,她的演出还是让世人鲜明地了解了乌兹别克斯坦总统伊斯兰·卡里莫夫当局的残暴统治。But while Alieva describes herself as being apolitical , her show also shines a bright light on the brutal regime of Uzbek President Islam Karimov.

当然,表面非政治性的特点使政府更难以限制这些活动。And, of course, the ostensibly apolitical nature of such civic activism makes it much harder for the Communist Party to suppress it with brutal force.

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尽管自传将其刻画成在那些年一个去政治的人物,但是这似乎是一个做铺垫的策略,突出其获得启迪前的愚昧无知。Although the autobiography portrays him as apolitical during these years, this seems to have been a dramatic device to signal ignorance before enlightenment.

中澳青年联合会是一个非营利性、非政府性的青年组织,同时面向对中国感兴趣的澳大利亚青年以及对澳大利亚感兴趣的中国青年。ACYA is a not-for-profit, apolitical youth organisation that caters to young Australians with an interest in China and young Chinese with an interest in Australia.

在早期,我们的军队为东印度洋公司效力,至今,它已发展成受世界尊敬的规范化部队,并且与政治分清界限。The army has grown from a force of sepoys that served the East India Company in its early days to a thoroughly professional and apolitical force respected the world over.

对欧洲青年价值现、法国青年参与国家选举情况的大量调查,没有发现任何青年“非政治化”的倾向。A lot of surveys on the European youth's value orientation and French youth's participation in the national election have not shown any apolitical trend for the European youth.

央行官员们仍然相信这场危机一旦过去,他们就将恢复2007年之前的角色,即不带政治色彩的技术官僚,手拉唯一的操纵杆,眼盯唯一的变量。Central bankers still believe that once the crisis has passed they will return to their pre-2007 roles as apolitical technocrats pulling a single lever and eyeing a single variable.

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但是如若你看看这些现象后面的现实,你就会发现曼德拉时期之前那些光辉荣耀的南非音乐是由种族隔离统治下的政府支持的,而且大部分歌曲和政治无关。But if you look into the reality behind these phenomena you’ll find that the glorious music that sustained pre-Mandela South Africa was subsidized by the Apartheid regime and largely apolitical.