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遣送是间歇性的。The transport is spasmodic.

中国人历史的一种间歇性的本性。There's a spasmodic nature to Chinese history.

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大多数她干,她几乎痉挛除步行。Most of her jerky, almost spasmodic except her walk.

一曝十寒的运动不会有多大好处。Spasmodic bouts of exercise are not very beneficial.

还会有暴力事件,但只是零星的,程度也大大减弱。Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced.

我们的身体对痒的痉挛反应是超逾我们所能控制的。Our body's spasmodic response to tickling is beyond our control.

间歇的,不规则的,不可预测的,如在运动或行为上。Spasmodic , irregular, and unpredictable, as in movement or manner.

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脸痉挛由于眼睑肌肉偶然挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼。Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.

胃痛、胃酸过多、胃灼热、胃气胀及肠胃痉挛等。Stomach-ache, indigestion, hyperacidity, heartburn, flatulent and spasmodic.

一条雪白的大粗腿快速不停地、像发疟疾似的抖动着。One white, plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid, spasmodic twitching.

随意肌发生不可控制的痉挛情形。Spasmodic involuntary twitching of muscles that are usually under voluntary control.

治疗组痉挛性咳嗽缓解时间明显短于对照组。And the time for relieving spasmodic cough was shorter in treatment group than in control group.

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我的兄长们作过一段时间的努力之后,对我完全绝望了---他们就连责骂也不责骂我了。My elder brothers, after a few spasmodic efforts, gave up all hopes of me--they even ceased to scold me.

开发儿童感冒咳嗽的标志,它变得更加严重和痉挛几天后。The child develops a cold with a marked cough, which becomes more severe and spasmodic after a few days.

网站是有关草药治疗抽筋斜颈方面的健康保健知识。The website is a health health care knowledge that relevant herb medicine treat to Spasmodic Torticollis.

目的探讨交感神经切断后,痉挛肌肉内酶与肌纤维结构的改变。Objective To investigate the change of enzyme and twitch muscle fiber in spasmodic muscle after sympathectomy.

方法使用兰州生物研究所生产的肉毒杆菌毒素,稀释后注射于痉挛部位。Methods Using the Botlinum toxin from lanzhou Institnte of Biology, inject the spasmodic position after dilution.

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当我滑动了在软的皮肤上的我手指,逐渐地我让我的触觉变得比较轻的,而且他的足部有了一个纤细的抽筋运动。Gradually I let my touch become lighter and his foot had a slight spasmodic movement as I glided my fingers over the soft skin.

结论由于激素的缩血管作用,家兔股骨头动脉痉挛收缩,组织缺血,导致骨缺血坏死。Conclusion The vasoconstrictive action of steroid leads to femoral head artery spasmodic contraction, tissue ischemia and osteonecrosis.

但是,这些药物却无法缓解痉挛引起的疼痛,并且通常会引起药物副作用,尤其是胃部疾病。Unfortunately, they are generally ineffective for resolving spasmodic events and commonly cause side effects, particularly gastric problems.