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这一群虚假神选择了天狼星来尝试这种内在恢复。This group of false gods chose Sirius to attempt this reinstatement within.

楼宇建筑之重建费或银行指定之按揭金额。Reinstatement cost of the building or mortgaged loan amount required by the Bank.

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DZBB和其他电台则透露,挟持者要求恢复他的工作。Radio DZBB and other outlets say the hostage-taker is demanding his reinstatement.

现场配管工程师和修理人员应该参加“管道装配工课程”。Piping Field Engineers and Reinstatement Crews should attend a "Pipe Fitter Course".

所有建造、拆卸及修复工程均须在二零零六年五月前完成。All construction, dismantlement and reinstatement works shall be completed before May 2006.

联邦快递的货运部门的亏损及员工福利的回升对其有一定的影响。A loss at the company's freight unit and partial reinstatement of some employee benefits damped results.

留职停薪人员,应于留职停薪届满前60日向本校申请复职。Applicants shall apply for reinstatement within 60 days before the term of retaining position is expired.

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米凯莱蒂先生曾一再拒绝考虑前总统-曼努埃尔塞拉亚复职。Mr. Micheletti has repeatedly refused to consider the reinstatement of the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya.

今天特雷维索也和奥委会进行了会谈,他们要求恢复意甲资格。Today it also emerged that Treviso have booked an appointment with the CONI to demand reinstatement to Serie A.

河内说,它正在考虑可能的军事草案复职,并在6月进行的实弹射击演练。Hanoi says it is considering a possible reinstatement of the military draft and carried out live-fire drills in June.

这项新的法律将让几千名前社会复兴党成员能够申请恢复他们以前在政府和军队中所担任的职务。The new law will enable thousands of former Baath party members to apply for reinstatement in the civil service and military.

有氧运动在减轻毒瘾再犯程度和在前额叶皮层神经关联的作用。Aerobic exercise attenuates reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior and associated neuroadaptations in the prefrontal cortex.

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周一,该基金会要求的视频复职或该公司表示,将停止给钱史密森尼展览。On Monday, the foundation demanded the reinstatement of the video or it said it will stop giving money to Smithsonian exhibitions.

但是,如果保单提供新代替旧或恢复原状计算基础,以每件特别货物拥有足够投保额来计算,扣除贬值和损耗条款是不适用的。However, if the Policy provides New for Old or Reinstatement basis of settlement, then subject to adequate Sums Insured against each.

然而通过窗户上窄条风口引进的未加热的室外冬季新风会使得每个房间重新加装采暖设备。However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room.

由于美国将驱逐塞拉亚的行动称之为“政变”,并要求恢复他的职务,这让许多支持驱逐他的人感到背叛。Hondurans who support Zelaya's ouster have felt betrayed by the US condemnation of it as a "coup" and America's call for Zelaya's reinstatement.

罗伊斯说,公司打算继续与申请仲裁的其馀约500家经销商开展和解谈判.The company plans to continue settlement talks with about 500 dealers who will not be offered reinstatement and remain in arbitration, Reuss said.

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结论吗啡诱导大鼠CPP形成,褪黑素在一定程度抑制吗啡依赖大鼠的复吸行为。Conclusion Morphine could induce the CPP in rats. MT could partly inhibit reinstatement of relapse behavior to morphine in morphine-dependent rats.

美国国家足球联盟委员把法伍的复职请求延迟了一周,希望他能和队伍间协调好矛盾。每天都要努力,一两个小时花得起!The NFL commissioner held off on granting Farve's request for reinstatement for nearly a week, hoping he and the team would resolve their differences.

不论他们私下的野心是什么,如果总统撤销他对军队将领的复职令,达哈提出加入联合政府的条件。Yet, whatever their private ambitions, Mr Dahal has offered to join a government of national unity if the president rescinds his reinstatement of the army chief.