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生活的戏剧化是不健康的。It is unhealthy to dramatise life.

但我也不想多说些什么让事情复杂化。But I also do not want to dramatise things.

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但是我们也不要去夸张,毕竟赛季还很长。However, we can't over- dramatise it, the season is long.

记住你要将这些事实戏剧性的编织在你的剧本里。Remember to dramatise these facts when you include them in your screenplay.

我们这样做是多余的事实,与单独除臭,一个人可以得到绝对的女孩。In doing so we dramatise the fact that with Solo deodorant, a guy can get absolutely any girl.

没有必要戏剧化他所做的,对我来说他是个好朋友和伟大的主席。There is no need to dramatise what he has done, he was a great friend and great president for me.

我想用背景生动地衬托出在前景中的东西,而不仅仅是作为微妙的背景。I want the background to dramatise what' s in the foreground, not merely act as a subtle backdrop.

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作家和读者之间唯一的区别是作家能够戏剧性地表现这个私密世界。The only difference between the writer and the reader is that the writer is able to dramatise that private world.

让我们的戏剧成为一个公共空间,去戏剧化和分享我们的故事将会是一个开始,因为一个从未讲述故事的只会成为一个躯壳。We can begin by making our theatre a public space to dramatise and share our stories – for a child that never tells stories will just be a human shell.

我们输给了切尔西、热刺和曼联,他们是我们的争冠对手。但我们不能过于夸大目前的形势,因为联赛还很漫长。We have fallen against Chelsea, Tottenham and United and they are our title rivals, but we must not dramatise the situation because it is a long season.