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法萨罗战役结束了第一次三头统治时期的战乱。The Battle of Pharsalus ended the wars of the First Triumvirate.

据说“三巨头”倾向于雇佣一名四十来岁的主编。The triumvirate is said to put a high priority on hiring a forty-something.

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不能忍受的家伙。中国,菲律宾和北韩这三国将会是麻烦。Can't stand the guy. A triumvirate of China, the Philippines and NK would be a worry.

西元前61年与凯撒和克拉苏形成三头政治。In 61 he formed the First Triumvirate with Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus.

但是,所有技术行业里,著名大品牌和生产巨头的关系都在迅速变化。However, elsewhere in the technology industry, the relationship between big name brands and the triumvirate is changing rapidly.

但是,我不认为这三支球队是唯一能在未来一到两个赛季可以屹立在西部之巅的球队。However, I don't believe this triumvirate represents the only three teams that'll be atop the West for the next one or two seasons.

科尔、托尼·亚当斯和索尔·坎贝尔在阿森纳后防线上成为顽强的英国三巨头,他们席卷了2002年的双冠王。Cole, Tony Adams and Sol Campbell formed a tenacious English triumvirate in the Arsenal back four and they stormed to the Double in 2002.

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这种三驾马车的管理方式在共享智慧上确实有好处,我们将继续在三人之间讨论重大决策。This triumvirate approach has real benefits in terms of shared wisdom, and we will continue to discuss the big decisions among the three of us.

Shevardnadze在1992返回克鲁吉亚,加入了政变组织领袖集团,形成称为“国家委员会”的三人执政局面。Shevardnadze returned to Georgia in 1992 and joined the leaders of the coup ― Kitovani and Ioseliani ― to head a triumvirate called the “State Council”.

主要的反面人物是盖乌斯·屋大维,他是第二次三人执政的三巨头之一的安东尼的同僚也是罗马帝国的皇帝,后人也称呼他为奥古斯都·凯撒。The major antagonist is Octavius Caesar, one of Antony's fellow triumviri of the Second Triumvirate and the first emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus Caesar.

当然,那就是参议院“三巨头”约翰·卡尔洪、亨利·克莱和丹尼尔·韦伯斯特的时代——他们宏亮的声音和优美的言辞誉满全国。That was, of course, the age of John Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster, the senatorial "triumvirate" whose rolling periods resounded throughout the nation.

此前我几乎一无所知的保罗·委罗内塞,是与提香和丁托列托一起被誉为文艺复兴时期威尼斯画派三杰的艺术大师。Paolo Veronese, from whom I have never heard before in my life, next to Titian and Tintoretto, constitute the triumvirate of Venetian art masters of the renaissance.

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在这一期的双周特刊中,我们超越了关于展望中国、印度和美国将成为支配这个世纪的三大势力的争论。With this special double issue, we've reached beyond the fray to envision China, India and the U. S. evolving into a global triumvirate that will dominate the century.

不得该文介绍了具有自主版权的数据库管理系统DM2的三权分立安全管理机制、强制存取控制安全模型和审计技术。This paper presents the triumvirate security mechanism for an independent copyright database management system DM2. the mandatory access control security model and the audit technology.

上周日,纪念乔布斯的追悼会由一张大幅海报覆盖,这张海报记录了由比尔.克林顿,斯蒂芬.弗雷和博诺组成的黄金三角现身哀悼,悲伤的撕裂了衣服!His memorial service last Sunday was covered by the broadsheets, who reported that the golden triumvirate of Bill Clinton, Stephen Fry and Bono appeared to mourn and rend their garments.