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白面包。White bread.

馍泡在汤里?Bread in the soup?

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其中有一个妖精问,“是白面包吗?Is it white bread?

把面包浸在汤中。Sop bread in soup.

面包只是食具。Bread is a utensil.

我给你大麦粒。I'll give you bread.

也就是去卖卖面包。To sell these bread.

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烤鱼和面包。Roast fish and bread.

什么在这个面包上?What is on the bread?

他把他的面包捏碎。He crumbled his bread.

请把这块面包递过去。Please pass the bread.

面包在这个篮子里面。Bread is in the basket.

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在面包里挖隧道!Tunneling through bread.

她把面包浸在牛奶里。She soaked bread in milk.

他吃的稀饭和面包。He had porridge and bread.

他把面包递给布朗。He passed Brown the bread.

这些面包吃起来很香。The bread taste very well.

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把面包烤得焦黄。Toast the bread very dark.

我们也得挣钱养家。We have to earn our bread.

替考把奶油涂到面包上。We spread butter on bread.