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爱情是一部忧伤的童话。Love is a sade -ending fairytale.

峨眉山有着童话般的美丽。Emei Shan took on a fairytale beauty.

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在日出前消褪,像一则童话般唯美。Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale.

永远不忘初心,建造自己的童话…Always follow your heart & create your own fairytale.

她认为她们的故事代表了现代童话故事。Their stories, she thought, represented a modern fairytale.

在许多方面,玛利亚和萨沙几乎过着童话般的童年生活。In many ways, Malia and Sasha are living a fairytale childhood.

公众显然觉得凯特的未来不会像童话般美好。The public clearly feel it's going to be no fairytale for Kate.

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而十二星座中的金牛座也由此得名,成为爱与美的象征。This is the fairytale of Taurus, which symbolizes beauty and love.

它就像一条深海蛇龙从某个童话故事中而来。It looked like a giant sea serpent from some mythological fairytale.

来自童话般美丽的东方的国际知名二胡演奏大师马晓辉。From a fairytale East came the music of the guest soloist Ma Xiaohui.

美人鱼是安徒生写的一个古老童话。Little Mermaid is an old fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen.

你看到那些像童话城堡一样的壮观建筑了么?Have you seen those amazing buildings that look like fairytale castles?

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他们所造成的危害要远比童话中小男孩受到的伤害大得多。They caused a whole lot more damage than the little boy in the fairytale.

建立童话建筑物,增长你的王国,并从此过上幸福的生活!Build fairytale buildings, grow your kingdom, and live happily ever after!

正当觉得闯入了童话般场景时,我们驱车返回酒店。Feeling that we had intruded on a fairytale scene, we drove back to the hotel.

毕竟,迪斯尼最擅长的就是其标志性的女性题材童话冒险。After all, Disney is defined by its iconic female-centric fairytale adventures.

他们的爱如此真诚,几乎符合了童话故事中『从此过著幸福快乐的生活』的完美结局。Their love is true and they are almost assured a happily-ever-after fairytale ending.

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这座童话般的城市将欧洲的古老传统、迷人景色和浪漫气息集于一身。This fairytale city is equal parts European sophistication, stunning scenery and romance.

这场童话般的婚礼正在紧锣密鼓地筹备中,但这对夫妻得到了一条坏消息,倍受打击。Plans got under way for the fairytale wedding but the couple were then hit with more bad news.

拱形的陆桥横跨运河之上,为这座童话般的城市增添如画般的魅力。Arched footbridges traverse the canals, adding to the picturesque charm of this fairytale city.