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前12年三月阿格里帕卒于坎帕尼亚,年五十一。He died at Campania in March of 12 BC at the age of 51.

意大利肉卷,用来自坎帕尼亚地区的精美的葡萄酒泡制过的。Cannelloni , washed down with a nice wine from the Campania region.

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坎帕格纳暴龙在2010年区议会国际摩托车展。County Council Campania Dinosaur Exhibition 2010 International Motorcycle.

这就是允许其它意大利地区接收坎帕尼亚的一些垃圾。Other Italian regions are to be allowed to take some of Campania 's waste.

丘纳德公司老掉牙的破纪录邮船“坎帕尼亚号”刚刚被作为废钢出售了。The old record-breaking Cunard liner Campania had just been sold for scrap.

谷物由伦巴第大区和坎帕尼亚中也提到了这是蜂蜜从西西里和塔兰托。Grains from Lombardy and Campania are also mentioned as is honey from Sicily and Taranto.

现在他二十七岁,被送到南部的坎帕尼亚,掌理奥古斯塔水渠。Now he, at twenty-seven, had been sent south to Campania and given command of the Aqua Augusta.

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市镇西北10公里山上的卡塞塔旧城,是坎帕尼亚最美丽的城镇之一。Hill town 10 kilometers northwest of the old city of Caserta, Campania is one of the most beautiful cities and towns.

我想让我的作品展现一种令人昏眩的微红皮肤色,因为我的家乡坎帕尼亚区寓意着太阳,沙滩,大海,温暖还有传统文化。I want to give to my production a dazzling glow complexion because Campania , my region, means sun, beach, sea and also warmth and tradition.

在坎帕尼亚地区,样品代表的是远离市区或者工业区的汇水盆地,所以基线值和背景值经常是吻合的。In the campania region, baseline and background values are often coincident, where the samples represent catchment basins away from urban or industrial areas.