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这就是最早的肉骨茶。This is the origin of Bak Kut Teh.

备份文件的名称为文件名.bak。The backup file is saved with a . bak extension.

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许多应用程序在自动保存过程中都会产生BAK文件。Many applications produce BAK files as part of their autosave procedure.

入烤箱烘烤18分钟左右至表面金黄即可。Bak de koekjes in ca. 18 min. in het midden van de oven goudbruin en gaar.

目的探讨BAK在颈椎前路椎体融合术中的应用价值。Objective To discuss the value of BAK applyed in anterior cervical fusion.

药物最好别用,即使是像乌鸡白凤丸之类的保健品。Better not to use drugs, even as health care products like Bak Foong Pills.

错误操作时常发生,所以建立备份是明智之举。file2.txt.bak, and file3.txt.bak. Mistakes happen, so making a backup is smart.

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奥巴马坐在东道主国韩国总统李明博旁边。Obama was seated besides the meeting's host, South Korean President Lee Myung Bak.

用气相色谱-质谱联用法对开口箭中挥发油成分进行分析。The volatile constituents from Tupistra chinensis Bak have been analyzed by GC-MS.

店铺位于大坑,以「药炖排骨」为主,是一种可以强身健体的料理。Restaurant is located at Tai Hang, providing Bak kut teh, is a strong and healthy cooking.

相信大部分的肉骨茶店都有售卖卤猪肉,而那些卤猪肉大部分都加入辣椒干,调和味道。Most of the bak kut teh restaurants do sell stewed pork, and most of it adds in the dry chili.

上了不同中学的肥肉和瘦骨,到底如何维持他们在小学培养出来的友谊呢?How did Bak and Kut preserve their friendship though they moved to different secondary schools?

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三十年的老字号,肉骨茶不但美味,老板对食物的要求也很高。With 30 years' experiences, here's bak kut teh is delicious and the boss's requirement is high.

不懂你是否注意到,以前的肉骨茶大多数是以一碗碗端上。Have you noticed that most of the bak kut teh are filled in bowl and then serve to the customers?

目的介绍椎弓根钉系统联合单枚BAK在腰椎椎体间融合术中的应用体会。Objective To introduce the experience of pedicle nailing with a single BAK in lumbar interbody fusion.

韩国总统李明博本星期前来华盛顿和美国高级官员举行会谈。South Korean President Lee Myung Bak travels to Washington this week for talks with top U. S. officials.

贝克在对Chrome与竞争对手进行比较时出言谨慎,因为这取决于采用什么样的比较基准。Bak is cagey about Chrome's performance compared with rivals because it depends on which benchmarks are used.

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方法对6例因各种原因造成的下腰椎失稳症病人行后路双BAK椎间融合术。Methods 6 cases with lower lumbar vertebra mobilization were treated by posterior double BAK fusion technique.

提及肉骨茶,当然是先想到甲洞的良记肉骨茶。When mention about bak kut teh, of course we will think about Lieong Kee Bae Good Teh which located in Kepong.

专家们都承认贝克和他的团队设计的引擎的速度是Chrome的一大关键性差异化优势。Experts agree that the speed of the engine that Bak and his team designed is one of Chrome's key differentiators.