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为什么?你是我的伴郎啊。Why? You are my groomsman.

结婚的时候,他是伴郎。He is the groomsman of my wedding.

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你愿意做我的伴郎吗?Would you like to be my groomsman?

她和某伴郎有一腿吗?。She shacked up with some groomsman or something?

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me as his groomsman at the wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me as the groomsman in his wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to act groomsman on his wedding.

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我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to be the groomsman in his wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to play the groomsman role on his wedding.

我觉得如果由我们家的狗恰皮来担任伴郎的话肯定很有意思。I thought it would be fun if the third groomsman was my family dog, Chappy.

现在,一场即将举办的婚礼会缺少一名伴郎,原本留给一个铁哥们的位置会空空如也。Now there will be a missing groomsman at the wedding and empty air in the place of a steadfast friend.

我是伴郎。我们刚刚一起开了个会,然后他让我做伴郎。我想,好啊,为什么不呢?I'm the groomsman . We had a meeting just then, and he invited me to be his groomsman . I think, well, why not?

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有着“瓷娃娃”美誉的日本乒乓名将福原爱担任伴娘,而伴郎由中国乒乓球队马琳担任。Japanese table tennis player Ai Fukuhara is Wang's bridesmaid while Chinese player Ma Lin serves as a groomsman.

新娘则向新郎赠送一件用金线和彩色丝绸缝制的衬衣和结婚戒指。婚礼前,伴郎将新郎裹进新娘的斗篷里,以防恶魔侵入,拆散他们相爱的心。Before the ceremony, the groomsman wraps the groom in the brides cloak to keep evil spirits from creeping in and dividing their two hearts.

在婚礼庆典开始之前,伴郎们将新郎围在新娘宽大的斗篷下面,防止邪恶的精神悄悄混入来破坏来拆散他们俩颗相爱的心。Before the ceremony, the groomsman wraps the groom in the bride's cloak to keep evil spirits from creeping in and dividing their two hearts.

婚礼前,伴郎将新郎裹进新娘的斗篷里,以防恶魔侵入,拆散他们相爱的心。Before the ceremony, the groomsman wraps the groom in the bride‘s cloak to keep evil spirits from creeping in and dividing their two hearts.

他跟那个用泡沫板做成的自己穿着红色的结婚礼服,还请了一个伴娘跟一个伴郎,他向祖宗排位和长辈们鞠躬行礼,以期获得祝福。He, and the foam cut-out of himself in a red bridal dress, were attended by one bridesmaid and one groomsman. On the way out he bowed to the ancestors and to senior guests in return for blessings.