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但这解放能帮到她们吗?But will emancipation help them?

这也有助于我的解放。That also helped in my emancipation.

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思想解放绝非一件容易的事情。Emancipation is by no means an easy task.

他不知道如何才能解放He doesn't know how to go to emancipation.

这就是为什么解脱是如来。That is why emancipation is the Tathagata.

解放宣言的用意何在?What did the Emancipation Proclamation udo ?

正如奥黛比说的“从奴役中得到解放”。"Emancipation from slavery, " says Ms Otaibi.

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真正的解脱是无根的和死亡的。True emancipation is bootlessness and deathlessness.

由于这个原因,解脱就是如来。For this reason, emancipation is at once the Tathagata.

我们必须使他们行动起来为他们自己的解放而斗争。We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.

他献身于全人类的解放事业。He dedicated his life to the emancipation of all mankind.

整风运动是解放思想的具体形式。And rectification Movement is the concrete emancipation way.

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人类解放作为一种理想,它的现实基础是依靠无产阶级。As an ideal, human emancipation has to rely on proletariate.

解脱是如来而如来是虚无。Emancipation is the Tathagata and the Tathagata nothingness.

世人将帕夸斯特夫人与妇女解放运动联系起来。The world identifies Mrs. Pankhurst with female emancipation.

把自己的生命献给全人类的解放事业的人是幸福的。Happy is he who dedicates his life to the emancipation of all mankind.

非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。African people is struggling arduously for their complete emancipation.

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解放公园和牙买加的海滩也不错吧?What about The Emancipation Park and the most beautiful beaches in Jamaica?

他于一八六二年签发解放黑奴宣言,使许多黑奴获得自由。B. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which freed many slaves.

批判理论的目标就是将人类从奴隶制中解放出来。Critical theory's goal, acknowledge by Horkheimer, is 'man's emancipation from slavery.