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你有什么建议给艾金呢?What advice do you have for Erin?

艾琳·康迪特-伯根博客,写自巴厘岛。Erin Condit-Bergren blogs from Bali.

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我的朋友埃林和凯利交谈着。My friend Erin asked my friend Kelly.

专家给爱尔兰什么建议?What advice do the callers give Erin?

那时我和Erin曾经交谈了一会。Erin and I had talked for a few minutes.

维多利亚、米歇尔与艾琳是女生联谊会里的好姐妹。Victoria, Michelle, and Erin are sorority sisters.

叶尔琳尖叫起来,转过身试图躲在我的身后。Erin screamed and tried to turn and hide behind me.

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西尔维娅哼了一声然后和爱尔兰和艾米离开了。Sylvia harrumphed and left to go with Erin and Amy.

第二天,在她上班时埃林给她一瓶橙汁。The next day, Erin offered her orange juice at work.

跟我说说,叶尔琳,你去过山上那个洞穴吗?Tell me, Erin. You ever been to the Cave on the Hill?

埃林·戈登参加了一个叫儿童力量的课后项目。Erin Gordon is with an after-school program, Kids Power.

比如说,伊琳知道她非常富有同情心。For example, Erin knows that she’s all about compassion.

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对艾金你有什么建议?告诉你同伴并说出为什么。What's your advice for Erin? Tell your partner and say why.

艾琳和盖瑞特交往得不错--即使远距离也一样。Erin and Garrett are good together--even when they’re apart.

我想,用不了多久,艾琳·亨特的熊武士系列就会成为畅销书。I think this new series by Erin Hunter will soon be a bestseller!

艾琳•泰桑社团中的女成员不仅会来探望艾琳,带她出去郊游。The women in Erin Tesan's network visit her and take her on outings.

要听一遍。打进电话的人给艾金提了什么建议,填表。Listen again. What advice do the people give Erin? Fill in the chart.

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很高兴,埃林的企图没有得逞,并且贝亚的宝宝很健康。Thankfully, Erin failed in his attempts and Bella has a healthy child.

艾琳·库尔特是教育学学士,在世界各地做了16年的教师和保姆。Erin Kurt, B.Ed, spent 16 years as a teacher and nanny around the world.

在美国,我们被训练如何去赚钱,”现在身为顾问的埃林•马拉尼说。In the US we're trained to make money,” says Erin Mullaney, now a consultant.