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周期性地审查团队。Periodically the team is reviewed.

阀门定期从排气口喷溅。A. Valve spits periodically from the vent.

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假发需要定期更换。Hairpieces need to be replaced periodically.

各种存货应当定期进行清查盘点。All inventories shall be taken stock periodically.

我们会时不时提到翻译的问题。We will raise the issue of translation periodically.

周期性的回顾和修正你的使命宣言。Periodically review and revise your mission statement.

或许,不定期的想一下我们的限界比较好。We might do better to periodically consider our limits.

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在高峰和非高峰期定期收集这些信息。Collect this periodically during peak and off-peak hours.

他喝酒比她厉害得多,为此,有时受到她的责怪。He drinks far more than she, and is periodically rebuked.

一天内周期性地进行5到10次深呼吸。Take 5 to 10 deep breaths periodically throughout the day.

周期性地清除、存档或者清理旧的日志和转储Periodically purge, archive, or clean-up old logs and dumps

我们将奉上会议现场报道,请定期回来查看。Please check back periodically for congresses we will cover.

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洋子会定期打进来,跟接电话的人讲话,不管谁接。Yoko would periodically call in and speak to whoever answers.

助教们会闲歇地检查实验记录的完整性。The TAs will check the note books for completeness periodically.

本校老师皆定期接受国际语言师训及检测。All teachers receive English courses and are tested periodically.

全天定期地发送主要基于文本的消息。Sends mostly text-based messages periodically throughout the day.

雪场将定期组织现场游客参与。The Organizer will organize tourists to participate periodically.

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定期检查预算时,把你的各个投资都考虑进去。Include your investments as you check on your budget periodically.

然而,这是一种金属,并应定期清洗和上蜡。Still, it is a metal, and should be waxed and cleaned periodically.

它是一个好想法周期性地润滑凸轮、轨和轴衬。It is a good idea to lube the cams, axles and bushings periodically.