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又开胃又可口.It's appetizing and tasty.

又开胃又可口。It is appetizing and tasty.

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这饭真香!This rice is really appetizing.

烤出来的东西。颜色不怎么令人开胃。The final result. Its colour is not appetizing.

这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴。The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

这可是我自己泡出来的.啊,真开胃!I made it myself. Wow, it is really appetizing !

这些松软的薯条和不新鲜的汉堡包让你没了味口。Limp fries and stale hamburger buns are far from appetizing.

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我相信你会在早餐上找到开胃的东西吃。I'm sure that you will find something appetizing at breakfast.

餐桌的彩色碟盘上摆有各式各样美味的开斋饭。Tables were spread featuring colorful plates of appetizing treats.

从敞着门的厨房飘进来的声音和气味让人发馋。The sounds and smellsthatcame fromtheopen kitchen door appetizing.

话梅酸酸好开胃,仲令鸭胸无咁腻。Plum is sour and appetizing . And make the duck breast not too oily.

于外国食品零售商来说,中国市场的一杯羹看起来令人垂涎。For foreign food retailers, a slice of China's market looks appetizing.

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从敞着门的厨房飘进来的声音和气味让人发馋。The sounds and smells that came from the open kitchen door were appetizing.

从敞着门的厨房飘进来的声音和气味让人发馋。The sounds and smells that came from the open kitchen door were appetizing.

这样做有时会帮助你在吃主食前找到一个可口的开胃菜。Sometimes this helps you later find an appetizing wrapper for the main dish.

现场的烧烤供应各款进口扒类和串烧,香气四溢。The appetizing kabob and steak cooked on the spot will match various tastes.

我觉得来瓶香槟也会是不错的主意,又开胃又可口。I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. It's appetizing and tasty.

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我觉得来瓶香槟也是个不错的主意.又开胃又可口.I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. It`s appetizing and tasty.

事实上穆斯林使他们热衷于攻城略地。The fact that they were Muslim made them more appetizing to conquer, not less.

一部根据节食书籍所改编的电影——这听起来就好像没有奶油的爆米花一样乏味。A movie about a diet book sounds about as appetizing as popcorn without butter.