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如果你觉得很傻,那就笑出来吧。If you feel goofy , Let it out.

高飞向山下滑去。Goofy is skiing down the mountain.

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嗨,你刚才看见高菲狗走过吗?Hey, did you just see Goofy walk by?

其中存在许多愚蠢的边界情况。There are lots more goofy edge cases.

第三遍时,就变成我自己在这犯傻了。The third time is just me being goofy.

高飞扔球,米奇击球。Goofy throws the ball and Mickey hits it.

这点我明白,不过,我最喜欢高菲狗。I guess I can see that. But I like Goofy the best.

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这疯疯癫癫的小巫婆,是她的最佳不错!This goofy little witch is doing her best to be nice!

他对她傻傻地笑了笑,露出尖尖的牙齿。He gives her a goofy smile, showing his pointed teeth.

他的脑袋里尽是美好的想法和傻傻的笑话。His big head packed full of good thoughts and goofy jokes.

斯蒂夫·马汀从愚笨的喜剧转向了艺术小说的创作。Steve Martin went from goofy comedian to artistic novelist.

高飞觉得疑惑,黄成打她的时候她还手了吗?Goofy feel doubt, Huang Cheng call her when she strike back?

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人们从车里出来,看到高飞35号,或者白雪公主64号。People get out of the car and see Goofy 35 or Snow White 64.

他们是我最好的两个朋友,我们都是一样大的傻孩子。Those guys are my two best friends, just the same old goofy guys.

他们笑着、讨论着,有时候甚至突然蹦起来跳一段滑稽的舞蹈。They laugh, chat and occasionally hop up to break into a goofy dance.

像赫斯勒那样,我喜欢做这个自己,我可以傻可以笨可以是滑稽可笑的,我可以在这张面具下,轻松自在。I can be goofy and ridiculous. I can be totally at ease behind the mask.

米奇回答道“我没有说她疯了,我说她妈的她太2了”Mickey replied, "I didn't say she was crazy, I said she's f**king Goofy."

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高母突然失踪,高飞六神无主,大家齐出动帮高飞寻找。High mother suddenly disappeared, goofy, everybody out help goofy looking.

我们肯定会被看作是一群在台上做绝对傻事的傻瓜。We would be a bunch of goofy people having a goofy time doing a goofy thing.

找出我的一位朋友怀孕,我获得的所有愚蠢和着眼睛的约呢?Find out one of my friends is pregnant, I get all goofy and teary-eyed about it?