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在4层骨皮质固定时也进行扭矩失效实验。Torque-to-failure tests were also done for 4 cortices of fixation.

所衬灰质与大脑皮层连续,CT影像与灰质等密度。Lined gray matter was isodensity on CT and continuous with adjacent cerebral cortices.

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在未致癫PN21大鼠中,海马旁皮质无信号出现。In PN21 rats that did not become epileptic, no signal occurred in parahippocampal cortices.

下胫腓螺钉固定骨皮质的数目不影响下胫腓的宽度。Syndesmosis width was not affected by the number of cortices purchased by the syndesmosis screw.

对四肢骨骼的X光检测显示出骨量减少,皮质变薄,甚至干骺端碎裂。Xrays of limb bones may show reduced density and thin cortices and in some cases fractures in metaphyses.

但她推测皮层之间或许会反复互相发送信息并因此产生新的思维。But the cortices probably send messages back and forth to each other and produce new ideas, she conjectured.

一旦联合皮层被激活起来,安德瑞森并不确定在创意的进程中接下来会发生什么。Once the association cortices are activated, Andreasen is not sure what happens next in the creative process.

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这个构造也许刚好可以将感觉皮质的活性结合成单一统整的知觉。This structure may be perfectly situated to bind the activity of the sensory cortices into a single, coherent percept.

从视觉上呈显的面部表情来识别情绪,需要右躯体感觉-相关的皮质进行作用。We show that recognizing emotions from visually presented facial expressions requires right somatosensory-related cortices.

弦乐演奏者要比不会这种乐器的人有更多专属于他们手指的感觉皮质。And string players have more of their sensory cortices devoted to their fingers than do those who don’t play the instruments.

在我们重复这些动作的过程中,网络向我们的视觉、感觉和听觉的大脑皮层稳定的传输信息流。As we go through these motions, the net delivers a steady stream of inputs to our visual, somatosensory and auditory cortices.

注意中央前回及中央后回区域,也就是主要的感觉运动皮层定位区在图中呈相对高灌注影。Note that both pre- and post- central gyri , where the primary sensorimotor cortices are located, are relatively hyperperfused.

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当对照组受到气味刺激时,双侧的杏仁核、梨状叶、前岛叶和扣带回皮质激活。When the controls perceived odors, the bilateral amygdala, piriform, and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated.

所做的怀孕大鼠脑皮质研究,提供了最早的一些证据。Diamond of the University of California, Berkeley, provided some of the earliest evidence while investigating the cortices of pregnant rats.

哺乳动物和鸟类之间在大脑皮质上的相似性增进了利用鸟类作为研究大脑工作原理方面的实际意义。The similarity between mammalian and avian cortices adds support to the utility of birds as suitable animal models in diverse brain studies.

20世纪90年代的一系列实验证明盲人的大脑视觉皮层并不像之前假设是无用的。In the 1990s, a series of brain-imaging studies revealed that the visual cortices of the blind are not rendered useless, as previously assumed.

另一个主要因素是恒牙牙囊的感染,牙囊外骨皮质破坏。The cortex of the follicle of unerupted teeth was examined 20 patients exhibited destruction of part or all of one or more follicular cortices.

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以听觉事件相关电位为指标增加异丙酚镇静对额叶和颞叶皮层的效应。Sequential Effects of Increasing Propofol Sedation on Frontal and Temporal Cortices as Indexed by Auditory Event-related Potentials Heinke W, et al.

以上结果表明,视皮层的第一级神经元已经可以对视觉信息和眼球位置信息进行整合。The results show that the integration of information on vision and on eye position may take place at quite the earliest stage of the visual cortices.

或者只牵涉到沟通前叶与脑背感觉皮质的那群远距离投射细胞?Or do they just involve a subset of long-range projection cells communicating between the frontal lobes and the sensory cortices in the back of the brain?