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他是在说客气话。He was being polite.

我们要有礼貌。We have to be polite.

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而他很有礼貌。And he was very polite.

她只是客气。She's just being polite.

你这可不大客气呀。You are not being polite.

他对人很客气。He is very polite to people.

这样做太多礼了。It is considered too polite.

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讲礼貌绝不会有害。It never hurts to be polite.

很明显,他只是在说客气话罢了。Clearly, he's just being polite.

邮件都是简略和客气的。The emails are brief and polite.

我们应该礼貌待人。We should be polite to everyone.

他应该学会更讲礼貌。Heshould learn to be more polite.

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朝人大声喊叫是不礼貌的。Its not polite to shout at people.

不要这么大声打嗝,那样不礼貌。Don’t burp so loud. It’s not polite.

你不用跟我客套!You don't have to be polite with me!

“住口”是不礼貌的话。"Shut up"is not a polite expression.

在学校,我很有礼貌和助人为乐。At school, I'm be polite and helpful.

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无论何时,我们都应该礼貌待人。We should always be polite to others.

“您好。”是客气的套语。"How do you do?" is a polite formula.

你的信息一定要真诚,有礼数。Be genuine and polite in your message.