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情人节去拥抱一个御宅之男。Hug a nerd on Valentines Day.

过去他在高中时是位书呆子。He used to be a nerd in high school.

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只要成绩优良,不要当书呆子,不要太出色。Good, but not a nerd. Good, but not excellent.

这就是书呆子应对第一次约会的方法。That’s how a nerd copes with first-date anxiety.

假如我告诉你我是宅御族,你会怎样?Say I'm a nerd . what are you going to do about it?

如果觉得数字看起来很熟悉,那是因为你是个书呆子。If those numbers look familiar, it’s because you’re a nerd.

一个十足的书呆子穿着衬衫,口袋里插着一支带塑料套的自来水笔。A real nerd wears a nerd pack in the pocket of a dirty shirt.

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但是,自描述的书呆子健太朝多说,等待是值得的。But self-described nerd Kenta Asata, said the wait was worth it.

我几年前用“书呆子”这个词来描述这类人群。I picked "nerd" as the word years ago to describe this demographic.

知道我是一个电脑高手的时候人们都显得有一点吃惊。People are always a little surprised to find that I'm a computer nerd.

你在你的博客中用“书呆子”这个词,但你的书叫“做个怪咖”。You use the term "nerd" on your blog, but your book is titled Being Geek.

他同时还是一名兼职摄影师,兼职教师以及全职的宅男。He is also a part-time photographer, part-time teacher and full-time nerd.

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我在书呆子和怪咖的区别上做了很多研究。I did a lot of research into figuring out the difference between nerd and geek.

彻底完成这一群人的工作的人是鲁莽的科学迷汉娜,由梅勒妮饰演。Rounding out the gang' is reckless science nerd Hannah, played by Melanie Leishman.

我有幸成成长于数字革命的曙光里,真是生的早不如生的巧啊。I was a spoiled nerd at the dawn of the digital revolution. The timing was gorgeous.

你们反应真慢,就是十六个1嘛,得出来就是这个数了。You know you're a nerd if--so 16 of those ones will give you that particular number.

我从一个台式计算机宅男极客变成了一个爱骑自行车去工作的人——为了玩乐。I went from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work — for fun.

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这就像是一个有点劣迹、不善社交的书呆子撞上了舞会皇后,既紧张,又惊喜。It's like being the spotty, socially challenged nerd who has a crush on the prom queen.

在我的梦里,所有其他的学生都处事有条有理,而我是唯一的呆子。In my dream, all the other kids had it together and I was the only one who was the nerd.

是的,他们有水壶,但大部分都是呜笛水壶,放在铁架上的那种。Nerd eye, yes you have kettles, but most ofthem are whistling kettles, that go on the hob.