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声导抗无明显异常。No abnormality were found in acoustic immittance audiometry.

方法对外伤性聋进行客观声导抗测试和主观纯音测试。Methods To check on objective acoustic impedance and subjective pure tone audiometry.

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对调查者进行耳鸣问卷、纯音测听和耳科检查,并做出评估。All participants had a questionnaire answered about tinnitus, pure tone audiometry test and ear examination.

方法对50例压力性鼓膜穿孔患者的常频和扩展高频测听的听阈结果进行分析。Methods 50 patients received standard pure-tone and extended high frequency audiometry for hearing measurement.

方法①对60名飞机维修保养人员及120名对照人群同时用脑干听觉诱发电位及电测听方法进行听力损伤检测。BAEP and audiometry were carried on 60 aircraft maintainers and 120 control subjects to monitor their hearing losses.

作者们对1980年卫生部门颁发的“噪声性聋调查方法”提出了改进意见。A suggestion to improve the regulation of the audiometry of the ducument published in 1980 by the Ministry of Health was offered.

从声阻抗测试看声顺值的大小和鼓室压曲线类型与听力改善关系不甚明显。The impedance audiometry test showed the hearing improvement had no definite relationship with compliance value and tympanometry curve.

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目的探讨扩展高频测听对耳鸣及噪音性聋患者早期听力损害的诊断意义。Objective To investigate the application of extended high frequency audiometry in early diagnosis of hearing loss of noises and tinnitus.

目的探讨扩展高频测听与年龄的关系及其对老年性听力损失早期诊断的意义。Objective To assess the meaning of extended high frequency audiometry in early diagnosis of presbycusis and the relation of it to the age.

目的了解影响纯音听阈测定的因素,尽可能地减少或消除可变因素的影响,提高听阈测定结果的准确性。Objective To know influencing factors of pure tone audiometry , as early as possible to of variable factors and improve the accuracy of audiometry testing.

本文给出了一种基于计算机辅助的汉语言语测听软件。This article introduces a software for computer-assisted Mandarin speech audiometry, allowing for automation of patients' information management and speech audiometry.

方法和结果103名5岁以下拟接受人工耳蜗植入低龄儿童,术前均完成非助听和助听主观听力测试。Method and Results The patients were under the age of 5. All of 103 children who could afford cochlear implants underwent subjective audiometry with and without hearing aids.

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结论DPOAE作为一种评价耳蜗毛细胞功能状态,在征兵、部队听力普查中较传统的纯音听阈测试更有意义。Conclusion In evaluating the function of the cochlea hair cells DPOAE, is more important in conscription and auditory screening in soldiers than that of traditional pure tone audiometry.