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看她的柔美的外形和迷人的眼睛!Look at her feminine form and captivating eyes!

魂牵梦绕的故乡,心中渴望的圣地。The captivating home is the place we are craving for.

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俄罗斯女人是世界上最迷人的好不好。Russian women are the most captivating in the universe.

不过,岩壁的恢弘巨大总是更能摄人心魄。However, the size, and grandeur of a cliff is always so captivating.

伊芙洛林的作品兼具极致典雅与迷人创意。Elfloving creations of stunning elegance and captivating originality.

这里我有一些提示可以帮助你创造一个迷人的主页。I have here some tips that can help you create a captivating home page.

这款游戏有足够的吸引力把你的眼球从别的感观刺激上拉过来。The game is captivating enough where other distractions aren't necessary.

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但如果她没有其他的优势能让我看到的话,那她就失去吸引力了。But her allure quickly loses steam if she has nothing captivating to offer.

前往圣托里尼一路上的优美风景是绝不容错过的。Captivating views are not to be missed as your ship has Santorini in its sight.

在这个阶段,我们可以完全制造出魅力四射的的谈话内容和消息。It is in this stage that we can truly produce captivating content and messages.

欢迎来到将五渔村的“五个村庄”联系起来的迷人地区。Welcome to the captivating region linking the "five villages" of the Cinque Terre.

蒙娜丽莎的迷人微笑大概是有史以来最著名的艺术之谜。Mona Lisa’s captivating smile is perhaps the most renowned art mystery of all time.

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导演河野认为,老年人性爱正在吸引年轻观众。Director Gaichi Kono says the eroticism of elders is captivating to younger viewers.

杰的眼神充满了阳光,而他的微笑总是可以如此的吸引我。Garrick's eyes were full of sunshine, and his smile was always so captivating to me.

甚至几乎不涉及现代河外天文学中吸引人的课题。We shall hardly even touch the captivating problems of modern extragalactic astronomy.

她已经看了这部电影,觉得这是一部好片,故事优美动人。I watched the movie! It's a really great movie. The story is beautiful and captivating.

在这个幻灯片里,我们选择了这个摄影集中最引人入胜的一些照片。In this slide show, we feature some of the most captivating photos from the collection.

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这样的结果是在同一个姿势下,右边的照片更加迷人。As a result the image on the right is more captivating but still has the same pose and feel.

陷入空想世界的塞林格是一位颇具魅力的作家,但也不见得就是一位体贴的丈夫。That otherworldliness could make him a captivating writer but not always a terrific husband.

当我靠近她时,我发觉她比从远处看更加得光彩照人、富有魅力。Up close she was even more radiant and captivating than when I had seen her from a distance.