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注意,有人在偷听咱们的谈话!Pay attention to overhear our talk!

我碰巧听到了他所说的话。I happened to overhear what he said.

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让咱们去仔细地偷听他们谈话。Let's go and overhear them carefully.

逐字写下你偷听到的所有东西。Write down everything you overhear verbatim.

他想让穷人听他责备富人。He wants them to overhear him condemn the rich.

如果他真的听见了我们的话,当然他永远也不会原谅你的。If he did overhear us, of course he'd never forgive you.

临桌的一个人无意间听见了“等到”和“如果”的谈话。The man at the next table couldn’t help but overhear WHEN and IF.

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他们被关在一个小屋里,没人能听到他们的动静。They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.

是什么令无意听到的电话交谈让我们分心?What makes a cell phone conversation that you overhear so distracting?

梅森装作没听懂他的问题,并且用编出来的回答掩饰,这样杰克就不会从旁边听到他们谈话的真实内容。Mason ignores her and covers up his answers so that Jack will not overhear.

区委老李赞扬莫莉写的宣传单像教科书一样,无意间被谭捷听到。District party committee li praised flyer, like textbook, Molly wrote by Tan Jie overhear.

完善的过流、过热、输出短路保护、温度保护电路,使用更安全、可靠。Perfect protection as over current, short circuit, overhear protection make using reliable.

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你或许还会无意中听到一些办公室的闲言碎语,请努力要不让自己卷入办公室政治。You might even overhear some office gossip, but try not to get sucked into office politics.

噢。耳背也有它的好处,你知道。我再也不用被迫无意听到其他人无聊的闲言碎语了。Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know. I'm no longer forced to overhear the tedious gossip of others.

走近喷泉和无意中听到一个关于失踪的地下室交谈键,然后跟马蒂斯。Approach the fountain and overhear a conversation regarding a missing basement key and then talk to Matisse.

理想情况下,我喜欢客户坐在我身边,距离近到小组中的人说什么他都能听到。Ideally, I'd like the customer to sit in my cubical area, close enough that he can overhear what the team is saying.

最早的窃听者简直无法无天他们实际上就站在“檐下滴水处”偷听屋内私密的谈话。The first eavesdroppers were nefarious types who literally stood in the eavesdrops to overhear private conversations.

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未来半年的某些时候,我们相信你将无意中听到一个陌生人在餐厅里谈论投资黄金。Sometime during the next six months, we believe you will overhear a stranger at a restaurant talking about investing into gold.

中国的老奶奶说,如果你站在一颗葡萄树下,或许就能偷听到织女和牛郎在谈什么。Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about.

汤晴认为蒋元是真心真意照顾蒋进等人,将早前偷听到承天与秋萍的对话告知蒋元。Shang Qing think jiang yuan is sincerely care Jiang Jin and others, will overhear bearing days earlier with the autumn ping told jiang yuan.