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这是美国奥尔德姆的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Oldham, U. S.

这是美国戴维森的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Davison, U. S.

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邮政编码使分检信件更容易。The postcode makes it easier to sort the letters.

这是挪威海德马克的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Hedmark, Norway.

这是挪威布斯克吕的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Buskerud, Norway.

这是挪威罗加兰的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Rogaland, Norway.

这是挪威西福尔的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Vestfold, Norway.

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这是孟加拉国波拉的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Bhola, Bangladesh.

这是泰国安纳乍能府的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Amnat Charoen, Thailand.

用户经常不确定是否应该在邮编中包含一个空格。Users often are not sure if they should include a space in a postcode.

中国大陆内蒙古自治区兴安盟阿尔山市的邮政编码…The postcode of Arxan City , Hinggan League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous.

提供无效邮政编码的测试,并检查是否发生错误。A test that supplies an invalid postcode and checks that a fault occurs.

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如果你想找份工作,雇主们看到M16的邮递区号,他不想知道什么。If you try to get a job, employers see the M16 postcode and they don't want to know.

中国大陆湖北省武汉市黄陂区沿江大道的邮政编码是…The postcode of Yan Jiang Da Dao , Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China is 430345.

来稿请注明作者姓名、单位、通讯地址、邮编、联系电话及电子信箱。For contributions, please indicate authors' name, company, address, postcode , telephone and email.

调用具有有效邮政编码的服务的测试,并检查是否返回了一组已知数据。A test that invokes the service with a valid postcode and checks that a known set of data is returned.

前一年的记忆都失去了,她还会顶撞医生,证明自己依旧可以学习,比如记邮编。A year of her memory has gone, yet she's defied doctors by proving she can learn new things, like her postcode.'

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在搜索框里输入上映时间,Google会提示你提交你的邮编,然后Google就会告诉你什么时候什么地方将会有好戏上演。Enter showtimes and Google will prompt you for your postcode. Enter it and it'll tell you when and where local films are showing.

英国的癌症患者正面对一个生死攸关的癌症彩票,它将决定他们是否获得重要的药物和治疗。CANCER patients across Britain are facing a life-or-death postcode lottery which decides whether they get vital drugs and treatment.

本站包含8,000多个韩国邮编完整数据,包括所在行政区域、具体位置和邮编等信息,附加在线电子地图。There are more than 8,000 postcode of South Korea in this webiste, including Admin Area, Place and Postcode etc. plus with online map.