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蒙骗,欺骗,诈取。To defraud, cheat, or swindle.

他想拉特德入伙参加那个骗局。He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle.

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下面是一个经典的骗局例子。Here s an example of a classical swindle.

许多人与这起诈骗银行的大案有牵连。The big bank swindle involved a lot of people.

那种行骗行为令许多想去投资的人欲往而止。That swindle soured a great many potential investors.

晓阳以出色的能力骗取了阿全的信任。With great ability that the swindle the trust of the o.

第五章关于合同诈骗罪的罪数形态。Chapter Five is about the charge pattern of contract swindle.

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我不能想象他是如何忍受这份孤独的。He tried to swindle the insu imagine how he tolerated the isolation.

许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者。Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them.

他就是这种货色,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.

许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者,赚取利益。Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them to make profits.

假定诈骗是其中一项最巧妙和最多才多艺的原则在精神论。The Assumption Swindle is one of the most ingenious and versatile principles in mentalism.

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关于王洪成及其“水变油”的骗局直到不久前才得以彻底解决。Wang Hongcheng's swindle about "water to oil" has been thoroughly debunked not long before.

丑恶,就象月光把西部城镇横七竖八的街道美化了一样。Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the Western town.

当今社会上诈骗事件层出不穷,信任这两个字如今值得几毛钱呢?Now, in the society, the swindle events emerge in an endless stream. "Credence" isn't valuable.

艾莉对世贤的妈说出了本人的主意,她想从世贤妈手中骗取500万元来解救维纳斯。Ellie to the Yin mama tell the oneself idea, she wants from the Yin mama swindle 500 yuan to save the Venus.

金龙发现朱冠中欠债累累并意图利用新天地计划行骗。Jinlong discovers Zhu Guanzhong is heavily in debt and intends to use the Xintiandi project to swindle money.

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威震天带来了很多狂派成员到地球,诈骗就是其中一个。他总是给汽车人制造尽可能多的麻烦。Swindle is just one of many Dcepticons brought to Earth by Megatron to cause as much trouble as possible for the Autobots.

而在麦科特造假的背后,广东大正联合资产评估有限责任公司就充当了帮凶。Maikete behind the swindle in the Guangdong big is the joint property assessment act as a limited liability company on accomplices.

范德比尔特不仅逍遥法外,而且在两年后又以极其凶狠的手段对政府进行过一次巨大的诈骗。Not only was he unmolested, but two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiary heinous conditions.