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外面冷极了。It's fiendishly cold outside.

要赢得“花岗岩州”有如过刀山下火海。Wooing the Granite State is fiendishly hard.

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印度的电影业对外来商来说也非常费解。India's cinema business is also fiendishly complex for outsiders.

然而据法罗说,这些法律执行起来困难重重。But these laws are fiendishly difficult to enforce, says Mr Farrow.

想法虽然非常简单,但毫无疑问其依托的是异常复杂的技术。The idea is quite simple, although no doubt the technology is fiendishly complicated.

其中的物理过程非常复杂,但由实验得到的结论很迷人。The physics is fiendishly complex, but the conclusions from this experiment are fascinating.

为人类第二好的朋友编撰完整的家族史对科学家来说简直是酷刑般的困难。Working out the family history of man's second-best friend has proved fiendishly difficult for scientists.

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作为教练,我们早就知道了穆里尼奥是世界足坛最有才华的鬼才之一。As a manager, we already know that Jose Mourinho has one of world football's most fiendishly brilliant minds.

作为一名芭蕾舞女演员,去体现天鹅女王和黑天鹅的两面性可能是一个残忍的困难的任务。As a ballerina, to embody the duality of the Swan Queen and the black swan can be a fiendishly difficult task.

PTSD还可能伴有恐慌发作、幻觉重现和梦魇缠身,而且这种疾病极其难治。It may be accompanied by panic attacks, flashbacks, and nightmares, and it can be fiendishly difficult to treat.

无论何时何地,跳蚤除了具有骚扰一切家禽的能力之外,雄跳蚤还有极其不寻常的生殖器。As well as having evolved to the point of being able to infest any domestic pet, anywhere, at any time, male fleas also have fiendishly intricate genitalia.

方案理论上看似简单可行,但由于政府最初为方案设立的三个目标自相矛盾,实际上变得操作极难。The plan, so simple in theory, has proved fiendishly difficult to implement, not least because the government is trying to achieve three incompatible goals.

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尽管我们在上演哈利·波特的隐身术之前恐怕还需要一段时间,但潘德瑞仍因其将理论极为复杂的物理学引入主流媒体而受到好评。While it's going to be a while before we can play at being Harry Potter, Pendry gets credit for bringing fiendishly complex physics into the mainstream media.

每天,成千上万的人把时间花在愤怒的小鸟上。难道这个恶魔似地愚蠢的游戏真能变得比米老鼠更有影响力吗?保罗·肯德尔发现了其中的秘密。Every day, millions of man hours are spent playing Angry Birds. Could this fiendishly silly game really become bigger than Mickey Mouse? Paul Kendall finds out

当然,这些发现是否足够普遍或有力,以证明在GWAS的加大投资时合理的,仍然是一个有待争议的问题。Of course the question of whether such revelations will be common and powerful enough to justify the fiendishly high costs of ever-larger GWAS remains an open one.

移动电话早已广泛使用,但当时还仅是用来通话,上网甚至是要连计算机都极端的不方便。Mobile phones were already widespread, but they were used almost exclusively for voice calls and were fiendishly hard to connect to the internet and even to computers.

大卫·哈德利·琼斯是鲁比克品牌的高级副总裁,他说鲁比克360和魔方一样,极难解开但又很容易让人玩上瘾,而且光从外表看让人误以为应该是很简单的。David Hedley Jones, senior vice-president of the Rubik's brand, said that, like the fiendishly difficult but addictive cube, the 360 looks like it should be quite easy.

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深圳出台了很多政策支持15岁以下儿童接受免费教育,但实际上是一项极其复杂腐败难懂的工程,大多数农民工就是没有这些权利。With enough documentation, any child under 15 should be able to get free education in Shenzhen. But it is a fiendishly complicated and corrupt business, and many migrants don't have the right papers.