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从本性上讲,男人是花心的。Men are polygamous by nature.

波兰特教授通过对一夫多妻家庭的研究来证明。Dr Pollet tests it by studying polygamous households.

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你也可以听到有关爸爸一夫多妻的耳语。You can hear the whisperings about a polygamous father.

多配物种比单配物种衰老得快。Polygamous species aged faster than than monogynous species.

然而通常妻子都没有察觉到一夫多妻的状态。Often, though, the wives are unaware of the polygamous situation.

多配物种比单配物种的寿命要短。Polygamous species have shorter life spans than monogynous species.

贝克尔著作的关注之一就是家庭的多偶制结构。The polygamous organization of families is a focus of Becker’s book.

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他们没有采用丧偶或有一夫多妻家庭背景的妇女的信息,以确保他们研究的是同一个人。They excluded widows and wives in polygamous families to ensure they were comparing similar women.

回到十九世纪的草创时期,摩门教徒被教导说要一夫多妻才可以上天堂。Back in 19th century pioneer days, Mormons were told they would go to heaven if they were polygamous.

虽然当地法律认同一夫多妻制,但这种婚礼仍属罕见。Although South African law recognizes traditional polygamous marriages, simultaneous weddings are rare.

即使情妇的中国式术语也可追溯到很久以前的一夫多妻制传统。Even the Chinese term for mistress — “ernai,” or second wife — harks back tothat polygamous tradition of yore.

除此之外,有些专搞民粹的政客甚至暗示回教移民,尤其是来自中东的族群,十之八九都生活腐化,或行一夫多妻制。Moreover some populists insinuate that muslim immigrants particularly middle easterners are by and large corrupt or polygamous.

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一位犹他州的陪审员称一夫多妻的习俗在他将一个14岁大的女孩被迫与他19岁兄弟结婚中占了很大因素。Utah jury says the polygamous sect leader is guilty for his role in arranging the marriage of a 14-year-old girl to her 19-year-old cousin.

总统祖玛在民主南非的历史上是第四届政府首脑,由于他的多偶婚姻以及与情人私通已经引发了民众的争议。President Jacob Zuma, the fourth head of state in democratic South Africa, has courted controversy because of his polygamous marriages and extra-marital affairs.

南非总统祖马、处女测试,还有超过2.5万名袒胸露乳的少女为妻妾成群的国王献舞,任何事件只要有这三点,都不可能在大众舆论下全身而逃。Any event featuring Jacob Zuma, virginity tests and more than 25,000 bare-breasted maidens dancing for a polygamous king is unlikely to pass entirely without incident.

一个犹他州的法官称这个有罪的多配偶领导者为一名19岁的男子和14岁的女子,他有可能面临终生监禁。Utah jury says the polygamous sect leader is guilty for his role in arranging the marriage of a 14-year-old girl to her 19-year-old cousin. Jeffs faces life in prison.

一个一夫多妻制的摩门教宗派正在分崩离析,随着它的领袖本周在犹他州接受关于性指控的审判,被逐出该派的男孩子们正在接受帮助,开始新的生活。As the head of a polygamous breakaway Mormon sect goes on trial on sex charges in Utah this week, boys banished from his community are receiving help to begin a new life.

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目前已知可能增加性传播感染风险的因素包括第一次性接触年龄早,拥有多个性伴侣,再加上一夫多妻的婚姻结构。Factors that are known to increase the risk of STIs include having had the first sexual contact at an early age and multiple sexual partners, combined with a polygamous marriage structure.