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协议的失败对中国来说,是一次纯粹的胜利。And its defeat is an unalloyed triumph for China.

纯粹地献身于神是非常困难的。It is very difficult to have unalloyed devotion to God.

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他的社会高层,后生育高峰的支持者以无比的热情集结在他身后。His upscale, post-boomer cohort has rallied behind him with unalloyed fervor.

李导游对西方的描绘至少还是包含了那么一点真正的钦佩。Li’s portrait of the West contained at least one feature of unalloyed admiration.

高温流体传输管道用非合金钢制光端无缝管。Seamless plain-end unalloyed steel tubes for fluid piping at elevated temperatures. Dimensions.

现在,至少,从美国的视点来看,他们的美元购买行为是一个纯粹的坏事情。For now, at least, their dollar purchases are an unalloyed bad thing from America’s point of view.

除了巴萨晋级的消息之外,昨晚我们收获的是纯粹的快乐。一切都太完美了。News from Spain apart, last night's experience was an unalloyed pleasure. All was well with the world.

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水坝街之外便是运河、商店与住宅,其中有些带着庭院,透出纯粹的亲昵。Beyond Dam Street are the canals, shops and residences, some with courtyards that offer unalloyed intimacy.

快感的欲望、痛感的恐惧、两者都是折磨。是否有一种恒常不渝的快感?The desire for pleasure, the fear of pain, both are states of distress. Is there a state of unalloyed pleasure?

我们判断一个事物是否由“似”而转为“是”的一个方法就是看其是否从人类这里得到了纯粹的爱。One of the ways we will know when a thing has passed from "as-if to is" is when it earns unalloyed love from humans.

对他们来说,红色文化唤醒了那个时代单纯的理想和纯粹的爱国精神,而遭受的精神创伤则退居其次。For them, red culture evokes the simple ideals and unalloyed patriotism of that period more than the traumas endured.

对于他们来说,红色文化唤起了他们在那段时期简单的理想和不掺任何杂质的爱国情怀,超越了他们所忍受过的创伤。For them, red culture evokes the simple ideals and unalloyed patriotism of that period more than the traumas endured.

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或许我不该期待从火车上看到纯粹自然的风景,但中国工业革命付出的代价仍然不可忽视。One does not expect to see unalloyed beauty from a train, perhaps, but the toll taken by China's industrial revolution was extraordinary to behold.

但这不再是一项纯粹的福利,而欧盟不断滋生的问题可能会纳入对当前成员国和候选成员国资本的考虑之中。But it is no longer an unalloyed benefit, and the EU's growing problems are likely to be taken into account in the capitals of both current and prospective member states.

当鸿蒙初辟,繁星第一次射出灿烂的光辉,众神在天上集会,唱著“呵,完美的画图,完全的快乐!”When the creation was new and all the stars shone in their first splendour, the gods held their assembly in the sky and sang 'Oh, the picture of perfection! the joy unalloyed !

我们经常能从贝多芬音乐中汲取到的纯粹的力量,并非来自管弦乐队宏大的音量,而是来自于他对音乐的本质,时间和空间诸要素相互关系的惊人把握。The sense of unalloyed power we often take from his music is a result, not of weight of orchestra sound, but of his astonishing command of the interrelationship of texture, time and musical space.