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是呀,必须让玛丽亚演阿加莎。Maria will be the best Agatha.

因此,在这部佛经之中,我说偈子道。So, in this sutra , I say in agatha.

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阿加莎·克里斯蒂是侦探小说女王。Agatha Christie is the queen of detective writing.

阿加莎在托基遇到了她的第一任丈夫阿奇·克里斯蒂。Agatha met Archie Christie, her first husband, in Torquay.

阿加莎非常享受这次旅行,也非常喜欢马克斯的陪伴。Agatha enjoyed his company as much as she did the tour itself.

阿加莎·克里斯蒂所著的侦探小说当然可谓风格陈旧。The kind of whodunit Agatha Christie wrote is certainly old-fashioned.

但知道阿嘉莎·克里斯蒂这个名字,却是在上了大学之后。But I hadn't known the name of Agatha Christie until my university age.

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阿米丽亚这个人物甚至比阿加莎还难演好。Amelia is a character more difficult to be well represented than even Agatha.

但是,11天之后,在约克郡哈罗盖特的温泉宾馆,人们找到了阿加莎,她还活着!But 11 days later Agatha was found, alive, at the Harrogate Hydropathic Hotel.

本论文旨在讨论阿嘉莎‧克莉丝蒂作品中的诗学与技巧。This thesis aims at laying bare Agatha Christie's poetics of detective fiction.

奈特莉涉足的第一部长篇电影角色是在一部被阿加莎·克里斯蒂启发的粗制滥造的电影里。Knightley's first feature film role came in this Agatha Christie-inspired potboiler.

终于这位孤单的女孩子进了房舱,这时阿嘉沙修女已经安寝。When at last the lonely girl went to her cabin , sister agatha was already sleeping.

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回到英国后,阿加莎经历了一段与埃及之行完全不同的浪漫与奇遇。When she returned to England Agatha found romance and adventure of a different kind.

几个月后,阿加莎决定去度假,享受一下国外的异域风情。Several months later Agatha decided to go on a holiday, someplace exotic and foreign.

他们所探讨的犯罪世界比阿加莎·克里斯蒂所能想象的要黑暗得多。They explore a world of crime that is much darker than anything imagined by Agatha Christie.

阿米丽亚和阿加莎可以由玛丽亚和我来演,但是你妹妹就没有角色可演了,克劳福德先生。Amelia and Agatha may do for Maria and me, but here is nothing for your sister, Mr. Crawford.

圣阿嘉莎的美貌引起了一个势力很大叫做Quintianus的法官的注意。As a beautiful woman St Agatha attracted the attentions of a powerful judge named Quintianus.

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另一位目击者阿加莎•池宝说她的儿子就是一个巡防队要搜捕的人。Another witness Agatha Chipole said that her son was among the men the scouts were looking for.

1891年9月15日,阿加莎·玛丽·克拉丽莎·米勒出生于英国的托尔奎市。On that day, Sept. 15, in the year 1891, Agatha May Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, England.

我最喜欢的作家是阿嘉莎·克里斯蒂。我一直希望有一天我也可以写一部侦探小说。My favorite writer of all times is Agatha Christie. I wish that one day I could write a crime book.