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从关于此只脚的交通。From hereon only foot traffic.

今天是你余生的开始。Are you ready to lead, hereon earth?

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所以,这将会是我们新的介绍,向教训,在此。So that will be our new intro to the lessons from hereon.

在此,再次感谢我们的师兄赵进,感谢他给我们带来的精彩内容。Hereon , let's thanked Zhao Jin again for his excellent speech.

以下内容对这些问题进行了较为细致的论述。Against of these question, hereon the text had given a detailed description.

特殊条款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.

必须是已装船提单,并在其上注明“运费已付”的字样。"Shipped on Board" Bill of Lading is essential and the statement "Freight paid" must appear hereon.

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保安将引领公安人员到现场,按照公安人员的指示行动。Security will direct the police to the scene and hereon follow the instructions given by the police.

因工作对象的广泛性,待人接物技巧在在此期间也得到很大提高。Because the objects to work were comprehensive, the ways got along with others had yet improved greatly hereon.

情况从此变得更糟糕。中国的发展模式是资本密集型,或者更准确地说,是债务密集型的。But the story gets worse from hereon. China's growth model is highly capital or, more accurately, debt intensive.

本次调查旨在了解您对区域性高校图书馆联盟服务的需求,您的真实回答将是本研究完成的最大的关键。Hereon we are working out a paper from which we can learn the images of Chinese college students in foreign students' eyes.

在此,鑫邦人表示衷心的感谢,并热切期盼和欢迎新老客户光临指教和精诚合作。Hereon , Xinbang expresses its hearty appreciation and is earnestly looking forward to visit and cooperation of old and new customers.

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在此,我要向一直以来关心、支持中远集团发展和成长的各相关方表示衷心的感谢!Hereon , I would like to show our sincere appreciation to related parties who had cared and supported the development and growth of COSCO.

在此请您们再提供整个系统的安装文档,以便让我们自己接手安装和维护工作。Hereon , please provide us an install document for the whole system, so that we can take over the task of installation and maintance by ourselves.

我们可以很确定地告诉你,母亲是安全的,我们将确保这些计划最大精度和速度被执行。We can say to you most assuredly that the mother is safe and we are going to ensure that the plans are executed from hereon with utmost precision and alacrity.

在此基础上,文章最后提出新一个生命周期私有林的发展要注重私有林补贴制度的运用,鼓励中等规模私有林的发展。Hereon base, the paper advance that in newly lifecycle, the development of private forest should pay attention to allowance system, encouraging the development of private forest in middling scale.