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气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体。Gas hydrate is a kind of ice clathrate hydrate.

水合氯醛为一种作用迅速的催眠药。Chloral hydrate is a rapidly effective hypnotic.

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气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体。Gas hydrate is a kind of ice -like clathrate hydrate.

当局部使用时,他们能滋润干燥皮肤。When applied topically, they can hydrate parched skin.

主要的水化产物是钙矾石和水化钙黄长石。The main hydrates are ettringite and gehlenite hydrate.

此外,“水合三氯乙醛”和“戊巴比妥”还有交叉的耐药性。Plus Chloral Hydrate has a cross tolerance with Nembutal.

你得给肌肤补水了,不然肌肤会变得太干燥。You need to hydrate your skin, or it will become too dry.

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按每桶钻井液加25磅的膨润土,允许水化至少6个小时。Add 25 ppb Bentonite and allow to hydrate for a minimum of 6 hrs.

天然气水合物是一种结晶状固态简单化合物。Natural gas hydrate is a kind of simple crystalloid solid hydrate.

其中二氧化碳含量的高低,对水化物形成温度影响不大。CO_2 in natural gas has less affect on hydrate formation temperature.

如果你这样做,你正确水合物不该停下来撒尿。If you hydrate properly like this, you shouldn't have to stop to pee.

水合三氯乙醛和戊巴比妥之间是否存在任何不良的反应?Is there any negative reactions between chloral hydrate and nembutal?

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为你的身体补水,永远不要让你的身体处于缺水状态。Hydrate yourself and never let yourself get to a point of dehydration.

另外大量饮水会帮助你的头发从内部吸收水分。Also drink plenty of water to help hydrate your hair from the inside out.

水合物生成气可能是纯甲烷,也可能是天然气混合物。Either the gas generated from hydrate is pure CH_4 or natural gas mixture.

其高欧米伽-3脂肪酸含量还可以由内到外滋润皮肤。Its high omega-3 content also helps hydrate your skin from the inside out.

天然气水合物俗称可燃冰,甲烷水合物。Gas hydrate is commonly called flammable ice, methane ice, methane hydrate.

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确保跑步前、跑步中和跑步后都补充水合物以防止脱水。Make sure to hydrate before, during and after your runs to avoid dehydration.

从理论上说,使一袋水泥完全水化只需要12kg水。In theory, it takes only 12kg of water to hydrate a completely sack of cement.

盆地广泛发育断裂、底辟构造,影响着水合物的分布。Faults and diapir develop widely and influence the distribution of gas hydrate.