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这两种能力都有助于大大缩短学习过程。Both help to shorten materially the learning process.

他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。They were supported by us both materially and spiritually.

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我方的胜利极大地仰仗着他的洞察能力。Our victory depends very materially upon his perceptive power.

指出能在实质上影响性能的配置选择Point out configuration choices that materially affect performance

哈里斯先生到来后,宣布他的病人大有好转。When Mr Harris arrived, he declared his patient materially better.

因此对于线人可以用钱和物质的刺激。So they were all monetarily and materially incented, the informants.

新一届政府并不会在实质上改变这种局面。The new administration is not materially changing anything about this.

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我认识到在物质上我能给弗丽达提供的东西是微乎其微的。I realise that there is very little that I can offer Frieda materially.

她们在精神上和物质上受到男权社会的控制。Women were mentally and materially controlled by male-oriented society.

他认识到他在物质上能给予弗里达的帮助实在是微不足道的。He realized that there is very little that he can offer Frieda materially.

由于生活支出费用较低,南方黑人实际上更富足。Allowing for the lower cost of living, southern blacks are better off materially.

就连地震加海啸也不大可能在多大程度上改变这一排名。Even an earthquake followed by a tsunami is unlikely to materially change that ranking.

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“我们认为我们可以获得相当规模的市场份额,并以高于竞争对手的速度增长,”他说。“We think we can materially take market share and grow at a rate in excess of our competitors, ” he said.

我们可以看到,这两个街垒虽然分处两地,但却又互通声气。As the reader sees, the two barricades, though materially isolated, were in communication with each other.

三是要围绕人民群众得实惠,进一步解决好民生问题。Third, must revolve the people materially beneficially , to further solve the livelihood of the people problem.

“可是,她们倘使想嫁给有地位的男人,机会可就大大减少了,”达西回答道。"But it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world, " replied Darcy.

这些前瞻性声明是基于VIVUS目前预期和实际结果可能大不相同。These forward-looking statements are based on VIVUS' current expectations and actual results could differ materially.

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让选择宏洋的人们真正收获物质和精神上的天然“食粮”。And we promise that when you choose Hongyang, you have already get the natural "food" for your materially and mentally.

受要约人对要约的内容作出实质性变更的,为新要约。A purported acceptance dispatched by the offeree which materially alters the terms of the offer constitutes a new offer.

毫无疑问,这将会是在物质上不如其父辈的第一代人“There’s little doubt this is going to be the first generation to not do as well materially as their parents,” says Kamenetz.