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还有简短的讲述。and short narrative.

旧式叙述体已经不再。The old narrative is broken.

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生命叙事线,这是我对它的称谓。The narrative arc, as I put it.

泰瑟姆听了这个故事,惊奇得出了神。Narrative makes up most of the book.

打破传统叙事方式。Break the classic narrative apporach.

给一篇记叙文中的事件排序。Sequencing events from a narrative story.

请列出并提供简要的叙述。Please list and provide a brief narrative.

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第三章谈论金圣叹的叙述声音观。Chapter 3 is about Jin" s narrative voice."

显示叙述性存储或向用户返回。Show narrative stored and returned to user.

泰瑟姆听了这个故事,惊奇得出了神。Tatham was lost in wonder at the narrative.

所以前先知书是叙事性文本。So, the Former Prophets are narrative texts.

而叙述几近于脱衣舞。A narrative that is almost like a striptease.

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它以一段预言为开篇。It starts off with a narrative about a vision.

这篇叙述体有许许多多的真理。There was considerable truth in the narrative.

有记叙性的,精彩纷呈的记叙故事。There's narrative, wonderful narrative stories.

吴的宏大叙事为将电影分为两部提供了理由。Woo's grand narrative justifies the two-parter.

这部小说里的叙述比对话多。The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.

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这一点触及了梦的表述核心。This attains to the narrative core of the dream.

这次的堵车事件,似乎验证了这种说法。The traffic jam seems to fit into this narrative.

佩恩的叙事比分析更精彩。Mr Penn is much better at narrative than analysis.