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注意不要过高估计自己。Be careful not to overvalue yourself.

他应该警惕不要过高估计自己。He should be careful not to overvalue himself.

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也许我们都把实际上没价值的东西看得太重了。Maybe we all overvalue things that are essentially worthless.

首先消费者倾向于高估大面值货币。First consumers tended to overvalue higher denomination money.

有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估他们所拥有的。Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

我们往往看重目前的利益而忽略了环境。We generally tend to overvalue the present profit and undervalue the environment.

“中上层阶级的美国人想来都高估了成为研究生所带来的非经济利益”。Upper-middle-class Americans tend to overvalue the non-financial benefits of grad school.

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简单而言,人们往往更看重眼下的消费,而非未来的机会。Simply put, people tend to overvalue current consumption relative to future opportunities.

但在其它领域直觉系统可能会妨碍我们,比如当我们过高评价了我们那些以自我为中心的观点时。It can trip us up in others, though, such as when we overvalue our own egocentric perspective.

在我们的经验方面,公司容易估价过高区分为这一个较后者的种类的协力。In our experience, corporations tend to overvalue synergies that fall into this latter category.

把自己的努力灌输到一件产品上会让人加倍重视这件东西。There's something about imbuing a product with your own labor that makes you come to overvalue it.

学生对自己探究能力的评价过高,与教师对学生探究能力的评价不一致。The students overvalue their own inquiry abilities, which didn't agree with the teachers' assessment.

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最近我很烦恼,因为我觉得我的父母太过关心我了,并且过度重视我的学习成绩。But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.

崇尚个体主义的国家里,人们通常把个人享受的权利和个性放在首位。People in these societies tend to overvalue their own skills and overestimate their own importance to any group effort.

最近我很烦恼,因为我觉得我的父母太过关心我了,并且过度重视我的学习成绩。I hope everything is all right. But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.

本研究采用背景突显与情绪、股价估值匹配的测试方法,比较大盘不同指数背景的乐观程度和估值的差异。The test of matching highlight with emotion and overvalue on stock price was used to measure if highlight leads to emotion and overvalue in this study.

是怎样的想象力、心灵相通和体贴,让一个孩子在母亲迟迟未归时总是打电话确认她的行踪与安危?How can I overvalue a youngster with the thoughtfulness, the imagination to always phone when a late arrival might cause worry? To always know how to reassure.

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服务链是集中协调企业内部资源,向顾客提供超值的产品和服务的组织。The service chain management is an organization to centrally coordinate the inner sources in the corporations, offering the overvalue productions and services.

对于中层管理人员的重视和培养是尚道人才团队搭建的主旋律,并愿意招收一些优秀的大学毕业生加入尚道,共同成长。Overvalue and training middle level management is the main melody, as well as fresh graduates from excellent universities are welcomed to join Thindo, for together growth.

市值加权的方式虽然有低周转率之优点,但其组合也存在加码高估股票、减码低估股票的可能。Capitalization-weighted portfolio have the advantage of low turnover rate, but it possibly leads the portfolio to overweight in overvalue stock, underweight in undervalue stock.