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我想要再次去跑步、翻跟头、更放纵的生活、散步。I wanted to run again do a cartwheel hell take a walk.

他们看我翻跟头时,觉得超赞!They see me do a cartwheel and think that's extraordinary!

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这句短语并非来自希腊文学,它最初是在14世纪被用来表示侧手翻。It was first used in the 14thcentury to mean turning a cartwheel or somersault.

而这句短语并非源于希腊文学,它最初是在14世纪被用来表示侧手翻。It was first used in the 14th century to mean turning a cartwheel or somersault.

在经三周共九次的练习后,再以正面侧手翻技能做迁移测验。After three weeks nine classes of practice. Cartwheel skill was to test for transfer.

他脱下另一只靴子,沿着甲板做了个侧手翻,甩了大家一身水。He pulled off the other boot, then did a cartwheel along the deck, spraying all of them.

但好在他用手阻止了翻滚变成了笨拙的滑跌。Somehow he managed to break his tumble with his hands and turn it into a clumsy thumping cartwheel.

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车轮星系呈现出大小两个星系碰撞而形成的光环。The Cartwheel Galaxy shows a ring that is the result of a collision between a small and a large galaxy.

按翻转的方向,分向前、向后、向侧手翻三种。According to the turn over direction, respectively toward front, to after, to turns a cartwheel three kinds.

于是,他们一起跑,一起跳,一起玩侧翻,就这样开心地玩了一整天。该书内容简单易懂,小朋友们可以独立阅读!The boy and the dog run, jump, and cartwheel their way through the day in a story that young children can read themselves!

按照制动器制动力矩的公式计算每个车轮上的制动静力矩的方法。At the same time, indicates the way how to compute the brake static moment of each cartwheel according to the brake moment's formula.

只要盯住弟弟的卡车,跟在他后边,让我的车轮沿他的车轮而行,准不会出事。So long as I gazed at my young brother's truck behind it in order to not in trouble with keeping my cartwheel going along his truck's track.

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若言谈举止出于不净之心,则痛苦亦步亦趋,如车轮紧随于拖车牲口之足后。If with an impure mind one performs any action of speech or body, then suffering will follow that person as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draught animal.

极端过剩导致趾板抬起你的,这会导致你的体重都将转移到董事会的鼻子,结果在一个侧手翻回来。The extreme toe overhang cause the back of your board to lift up, which causes all of your weight to be transferred to the nose of the board, resulting in a cartwheel.