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我觉得是一种假象。I think it is a feint.

他装作努力工作。He made a feint of working hard.

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为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文…Why is there a major glyph of feint?

这场比赛变成了一场以佯攻与反佯攻为主的较量。The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint.

价格只用4000W,还有一个假动作,价格也只用2000W了。Prices only 4000W, there is a feint , the price of only 2000W.

那么,所谓的80后等粗疏概念是虚饰性的,乃至文化机会主义式的。So the 80s'conception is the feint and the cultural opportunistic.

先佯攻军队的左翼,紧接的是一个正面攻击。The feint on the army's left flank was followed by a frontal attack.

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一个人撞了我一下作掩护,而另一个人偷了我的钱包。One person bumped into me as a feint while the other stole my wallet.

那些关于黄金团向西起航的传言难道是声东击西?Could all that talk of the Golden Company sailing west have been a feint?

威廉先生假装不小心用酒瓶碰着了桌子。Mr Williams made a feint of accidentally knocking the table with a decanter.

这孩子实际上正在听收音机,却假装着在用功。He made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.

这男孩假装用功学习实际上是在听收音机。The boy made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.

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现在可以用小型机动部队,从另一个方向威胁、佯攻和打击。Now they can a smaller more agile force, threaten, feint , and attack from another direction.

冈田联队正式发动佯攻沐城,营救横山的大规模袭击行动。Athletics team formally launched a feint mu city, the rescue of the hengshan large-scale attacks.

穆克什新的利他行为以及他兄弟的佯作虔诚看起来都没有影响到法庭。Neither Mukesh's new-found altruismnorhis brother 's religious feint looklikelyto sway the Court.

然而,这是否沿正确的方向前进了一步,亦或是伊朗为逃避对其备受怀疑的野心的制裁而阳奉阴违?But are they steps in the right direction, or a feint by Iran to dodge curbs on its suspect ambitions?

为了诱惑敌人,他派了一支骑兵分队从波尔塔瓦以南佯渡沃斯卡拉河。To divert the enemy he sent a detachment of cavalry to make a feint across the Vorskla south of Poltava.

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进攻假动作在篮球比赛攻守对抗中产生,是完成篮球技战术必不可少的动作方法。Feint movement, created in defense and offense process is an essential skill to achieve strategy in basketball matches.

这种外交佯动上周让困境中的麻生太郎在抢先跨过巴拉克·奥巴马白宫门槛的比赛中拔得头筹。Such was the diplomatic feint that this week saw a beleaguered Taro Aso steal the prize in the scramble to be first across the threshold of Barack Obama's White House.

只有在夜深人静的时候,我才会疲惫地除去坚强的伪装,审视镜子中那个憔悴的容颜,释放自己的脆弱。Only have the time in in the dead of night, I would remove the strong feint exhaustedly , scanning the mirror amid that distressed facial appearance, acquit own flimsiness.