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让我再享受一会儿。Gimme a minute.

她叫做贪心。She is called gimme.

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给我几分钟,我想想。Gimme a minute, I'm thinking.

看够了湖,给我城市。Enough peaceful lake, gimme city.

“把舵还给我,”上帝说。"Gimme back that wheel, " says GOD.

午夜之后给我给我给我一个人…………Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight.

“先告诉我好消息”Sol说。"Gimme the good news first, " says Sol.

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给我一杯高度黑麦威士忌。"Gimme a rye-high, " he said to the servitor.

饶了我吧,小祖宗!你知道这些东西有多贵吗?Gimme a break, kid! You know how much those things cost?

喂喂,有本事就再来一次!这次我一定会赢的!Hey hey! gimme one more match! I know I can beat ya this time!

举一个你解决过的智力难题。Gimme an example of an intellectually difficult problem you solved?

躺在床上在唱,早上醒来也在唱,心里想着“给我给我给我……”I’ve been humming it in bed. I wake up in the morning, thinking “gimme gimme gimme.”

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给我庇护淹没到景观本身,使他们能够通过在冬季和夏季凉爽的空气温暖。Gimme Shelter submerges itself into the landscape, providing warmth through the winter and cool air during the summer.

觉悟的灵魂把“给我”式的祈祷转变成托儿所的玩具箱,将祈祷变为对受宠的感恩、对他人悲哀的祈请,总会加上一句,“主的意志会成就。”" The enlightened soul relegates the "gimme" prayer to the nursery toy box, and turns to the prayer of thanksgiving, of adoration, of petition for the woes of others, always adding, "Thy will be done.