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赫斯提,壁炉之女神,并不喜好性。Hestia , Goddess of the Hearth, did not enjoy sex.

赫斯提亚是宙斯、波塞冬和哈迪斯的姐姐。Hestia is the sister to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

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圣火和圆圈是赫斯提亚的象征。The sacred flame and the circle are both symbols for Hestia.

他们是波塞冬、哈迪斯、赫斯提亚、德墨西尔。They are Poseidon, Hades, Hestia , Germany and Mexico Seoul.

“不成了,”海丝佳生硬地说,“疯眼汉会解释的。”"Can't do it, " said Hestia tersely. "Mad-Eye will explain. "

赫斯提看来是一位完美的妻子,并成为奴隶们好妻子的榜样。Hestia appeared to be the perfect wife and stood as an example of the good wife for the slaves.

北京和玺建筑成套木作系统有限公司系中澳合资企业,成立于2003年。Beijing Hestia System Limited is a joint-venture enterprise formed with Australian investment in 2003.

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北京和玺建筑成套木作系统有限公司系中澳合资企业,成立于2003年。Beijing Hestia System Limited is a jointed venture enterprise formed with Australian investment in 2003.

赫耳墨斯和赫斯提两人都相貌平庸,因此彼此理解而成为某种程度的好朋友,直到赫耳墨斯向后者求婚为止。Hermes and Hestia were each homely and understood one another, and were somewhat good friends, until Hermes proposed to Hestia.

“哦,我相信我们会成为好朋友的。”迪歌愉快地说,挥挥帽子,离开了客厅。海丝佳也跟了出去。"Oh, I'm sure we shall end up the best of chums, " said Diggle brightly, waving his hat as he left the room. Hestia followed him.

那些赫斯提原型性质者,可能非常擅长创建成功的生意,如家居陈设或珠宝,或成为家庭装修师、服装设计师和制造者。整个服装生意和家具生意是赫斯提原型在活动的好例子。Those of the Hestia archetypal nature may be very gifted at creating successful businesses such as a home furnishings or jewelry, or may become home decorators or clothing designers and manufacturers.