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这是一个后门病毒。This is a postern virus.

后门边由精致的黑板报。The postern by exquisite blackboard newspaper.

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或者将他的数据库开个后门之类的。Or his database opens Jiang of Ge postern and so on.

你要享用免费的午餐,就得允许人家打开你家的后门。You should enjoy free lunch, what have to allow a family to open your home is postern.

流氓软件与后门木马,私自为用户安装很多流氓软件。Scampish software and postern trojan, privately installs a lot of scampish software for the user.

因为程序技术高一点就能找到这个程序的漏洞或者说是后门。Because process technology can find the flaw of this program a bit higher, perhaps saying is postern.

我们没有抄近路沿海边过去,而是绕到大路上,从巨大的后门进去的。Instead of taking the short cut along the sound we went down the road and entered by the big postern.

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王某一气之下,让技术人员张某制作了“逻辑炸弹”及“后门程序”,攻击网站。Under king some gas, let technical personnel Zhang Mou make " logistic bomb " reach " postern program " , attack website.

由于该公司的网络服务器上被安装了“后门程序”,而此程序必须在公司内部服务器上操作进行。Was installed on the network server as a result of this company " postern program " , and this program must go out to drill to undertake in company in-house server.

他坐在能闻声的地方,正在挑着灯笼挤牛奶。我随便抓起灯笼,并说会豫越日回还,急匆匆的向最近的后门冲往。He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.

他坐在能听见的地方,正在挑着灯笼挤牛奶。我随便抓起灯笼,并说会豫次日归还,急匆匆的向最近的后门冲去。He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously , and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.