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我想搭地铁去。I want to go by subway.

到那边,有地下铁路可搭吗?。Can I go there by subway?

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你可以搭地铁到那里。You can go there by subway.

入地铁后,见到的一位老太。The old woman in the subway.

嗖地一声钻进了地铁。Grabbed hold of a subway car.

我喜欢坐地铁到那里去。I like going there by subway.

我们可以乘地铁去车站。We can subway to the station.

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他在地下铁上对着我微笑。He smiled at me on the subway.

我建议你坐地铁。I suggest you take the subway.

你喜欢坐地下铁吗?Do you like to take the subway?

在那地下铁,她对我喜笑颜开。She smiled at me on the subway.

坐地铁要花多长时间?How long it will take by subway?

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我乘地铁的时候可以做任何事情。I can do anything on the subway.

它在东直门地铁站附近。It's over by Dong Zhimen subway.

我坐地铁,不开私车出行。I prefer subway over private car.

你应该搭地铁1号线。You should take the No. 1 subway.

外出最近的地铁站在那里?。Where is the nearest subway stine?

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汤尼乘地铁去上学吗?Does Tony take the subway to school?

这是去建国门的地铁吗?How frequent is this subway service?

这就是去东单的地铁吗?Is this the right subway to Dongdan?